Table Help

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2 comments, last by gamechampionx 21 years, 7 months ago
Here is some HTML code for my site:
<title>Quest of the Flame: Main Page</title>
<body background=darkbg.jpg bgcolor=black text=grey link=white alink=yellow vlink=orange>
<font color=orange face="Arial Black">
<h1>Quest of the Flame:</h1>
<font color=white face="FC-Glamour">
<h3>[i]A new text RPG written in C++[/i]</h3>
<font color=#CCCCFF face="Intel">
<h4>[b]Main Page[/b]</h4>
<table border width=100%>
<td valign=top width=20%>
<font color=red>
<a href="index.html">Main Page</a><br>
<a href="source.html">Source</a><br>
<a href="game_design.html">Game Design</a><br>
<a href="links.html">Links</a><br>
<a href="">Contact Me
<table border width=80%>
<td width=50%>
<font color=red>
<center><h3>Welcome to My New Site!</h3></center>
I am hoping that some of the game players out there are interrested in an interresting, well-designed text RPG for the PC.  This game (with the working title of "Quest of the Flame") may just be what you're looking for.  Within the next couple of weeks, you will see many new great things going on at this site.  So, come back some time if you want to see what's going on here!
<td width=50%>
<font color=red>
<center><h3>Current Site Status</h3></center>
None of the other pages have anything on them yet.  Soon enough, this page will be done, and I will start posting the source code (in C++) on the the source page, and possibly make a source and/or .exe download.
I'm trying to make a table as follows: 20% 40% 40% ______________________________________ |Links| News column 1 | News column 2 | |... | ... | ... | ______________________________________ with the 2 news columns being a nested table (to have separate properties. I can't seem to git it to fill up the screen horizontally. What am I doing wrong? [edited by - gamechampionx on September 27, 2002 3:40:04 PM] [edited by - gamechampionx on September 27, 2002 3:40:50 PM] [edited by - gamechampionx on September 27, 2002 3:41:44 PM]
Check out Drunken Brawl at!
The problem is that you misunderstood how width works. Width tells the table to take up whatever percentage you say of the available space. So in your news column tables, that are inside another table, you tell them to take up 80% of the available space. Change the 80% to 100% and your fine. Correction is listed below.

    <html><head><title>Quest of the Flame: Main Page</title></head><body background=darkbg.jpg bgcolor=black text=grey link=white alink=yellow vlink=orange><center><font color=orange face="Arial Black"><h1>Quest of the Flame:</h1></font><font color=white face="FC-Glamour"><h3>[i]A new text RPG written in C++[/i]</h3></font><font color=#CCCCFF face="Intel"><h4>[b]Main Page[/b]</h4></font><table border width=100%><td valign=top width=20%><font color=red>[b]Sections[/b]<br><br></font><a href="index.html">Main Page</a><br><a href="source.html">Source</a><br><a href="game_design.html">Game Design</a><br><a href="links.html">Links</a><br><a href="">Contact Me</a></td><td><table border width=100%>     // ***** CHANGED THIS TO 100%<td width=50%><font color=red><center><h3>Welcome to My New Site!</h3></center></font>I am hoping that some of the game players out there are interrested in an interresting, well-designed text RPG for the PC.  This game (with the working title of "Quest of the Flame") may just be what you're looking for.  Within the next couple of weeks, you will see many new great things going on at this site.  So, come back some time if you want to see what's going on here!</td><td width=50%><font color=red><center><h3>Current Site Status</h3></center></font>None of the other pages have anything on them yet.  Soon enough, this page will be done, and I will start posting the source code (in C++) on the the source page, and possibly make a source and/or .exe download.</td></td></table></table></font></center></body></html>    

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[edited by - CaptainJester on September 27, 2002 3:58:41 PM]
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You have incorrectly set width=80% on the nested table. the cell containing the nested table should have width=80%, and the nested table itself should have width=100%. the 2 cells in the nested table should be set to width=50%
- Kikuchiyo
Thank you SO MUCH!!!

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