ASCII Fishtank Mini Contest!

Started by
210 comments, last by Michalson 20 years, 5 months ago
Update 11/19/2002 I've posted an updated version of the rules which includes instructions on how to upload your entry. You can see them at the official site. (A note to judges: I've also deleted the test information from the database, your accounts are still there but the fake entries and all the information attached to them is gone. Also a note to pan narrans, I've corrected that typo on the news page and your display name has been updated) Hopefully this edit doesn't screw up the formatting of the previous stuff in this message EDIT: Just to clarify since this thread is now a "Gamedev Announcement": This contest is not directly affiliated with or run by (so don't send Dave or Kevin questions about it, they won't know what you're talking about).

Contest Overview

The purpose of this contest is to create the most graphically appealing, interesting to watch fish tank. The only catch is that this is an ASCII (text only) fish tank. No fancy graphics or 16 million colors, the sole method of displaying your aquatic world is through text.

The contest will end on November 30, 2002 at 11:59 PM, EST


Each entry must portray a fish tank/aquarium with your choice of real or mythical sea creatures (though it is expected that most of your sea creatures should be recognizable and not totally alien). You are limited to using either standard 80x25 character or 80x50 character text mode, and the standard palette of 16 foreground colors and 8 background colors (these colors may not be altered). How you go about this is up to you. You may create a 32bit Windows console application, a 16bit DOS application using mode 3, or you may create a pixel perfect emulation of either mode using your preferred graphical API.

  • Each individual can submit any number of unique entries (however it is at the organizers/judges discretion to determine if two entries by the same person are not sufficiently different, in which case the competitor may choose only one to be judged).
  • Entries must run on Microsoft Windows 98 or 2000 (preferably they should run correctly on 95, 98, ME, 2000 and XP).
  • The contest is open to everyone that abides by these rules, however entries by judges/organizers are not eligible to win and will be removed from the pool of contestants after the first round (scoring).
  • Existing "Ascii art" libraries, such as aalib cannot be used. If you have any doubt regarding the validity of a library please contact the contest organizer and provide a link to the libraries homepage.
  • These rules may be modified at any time without prior notification.
Accurate emulation of 80x25 (8x16 characters) or 80x50 (8x8 characters) should use the following as reference.
8x16 Character Graphics8x8 Character GraphicsStandard Palette


Each judge will score entries in three categories:
  • Graphics : General eye candy appeal. Use of shape, color and animation will be considered.
  • Life : How interesting/impressive the behavior (AI) of your aquatic creatures is.
  • Appeal : Overall impression of polish, creativity and original features.
All judges will then meet to determine the final winner for each category, and an overall contest winner.
Number of winning positions subject to change without prior notice depending on the number of entries received.


In order to qualify you must submit a single ZIP file of no more than 500KB containing:
  • Your executable and any data files it needs.
  • A readme file (plain text or HTML) explaining how to use your program and any special features you wish to point out.
  • The complete source code to your entry.
  • A plain text file, ENTRY.TXT , which lists your name, the name of your entry, your email address and optionally your forum nickname.
Instructions on how to submit your entry coming soon


  • Authors retain all rights and ownership to their entries.
  • If source code is submitted with the contest as per the requirements, then it is up to the entrant to include any terms of use licenses with his/her source code.
[edited by - michalson on October 25, 2002 12:06:23 PM] [edited by - michalson on November 19, 2002 6:09:09 PM]
Damn, I wanted to run a full-screen .mpg of a fishtank through aalib.

Resist everyone
quote:Original post by Ravuya
Damn, I wanted to run a full-screen .mpg of a fishtank through aalib.

Resist everyone

Like I said in the other thread, an amazing, mind blowing graphical experence like full motion 3D will only get you 10/30, easily beaten by someone who spent 30 minutes making some ascii fish that move toward food.
What about a 3d ASCII fishtank with fish that move towards food?
With love, AnonymousPosterChild
quote:Original post by AnonymousPosterChild
What about a 3d ASCII fishtank with fish that move towards food?

Yes, that would get you better marks (see judging). Off course if it was prerecorded you would be back to square one.
I wouldn''t do prerecorded. Especially in the first contest I''m thinking of entering. Of course, I have no idea how to put 3d math into some sort of system which I could use with ASCII
With love, AnonymousPosterChild
There is a thread somewhere about "Ascii 3D engine" you can pickup some clues there. Basically you need a software 3D engine whose output you downsize and dither for text mode. If I make an entry it will likely have an introscreen using my dither engine (emulates about 376 unique colors at 80x50 pixel resolution)
Maybe I should use something like a cross-section. You know, divide the fish data into slices and then have the program determine which slices to display and in which order. Of course, that would only work for the side view, so I would have to find a way to make a composite image of the slices for angled views. I could probably do this through some sort of array.

Black_mage_s in disguise!
With love, AnonymousPosterChild
quote:Original post by Michalson
If I make an entry it will likely have an introscreen using my dither engine (emulates about 376 unique colors at 80x50 pixel resolution)

- That I want to see. I enumerated every possible combination of FOREGROUND_XXX | FOREGROUND_YYY | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY | BACKGROUND_ZZZ | etc etc and was amazed how many colours I could get just with ASCII chars 176, 177, 178 and 219.

With an algorithm that analysed neighbouring pixels and used any ASCII char for an appropriate shape it''d look awesome...
code, pics, life
[size="2"] code, art, life
Here are some examples of basic image dithering without shape analysis (still working on color matching). Both screenshots are of the smallest size you can make the console by default, 4x6.

If you have a highspeed connection you can also watch a DivX capture of full motion (30fps) video with sound in text mode: Link.

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