Curious about others art...

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48 comments, last by Jewelaye 23 years, 12 months ago
Ummmmm...ok first of all shes the game...done in 3d....
uhmmmm im skinny....most of people think im slim and fit..
and you also could define that to skinny....
but its all about what people think is normal weight...for some people a girl is almowst annorectic and for some other shes just normal...and other says shes just
/ skinny but not in that uggly way!



Thats great!!!!....very nice pics!

Edited by - Jewelaye on 5/2/00 8:20:40 AM
Hmmm, my characters are often kinda chubby. But then again, I like chubby girls.

E:cb woof!
E:cb woof!
Heheh ok then im safe from you *lol*
just joking!

Are you a girl? I forget who the resident female is around here, I just assume I''m talking to all guys.

I''m the kind of guy that''s more into the face and atitude then the body. But chubby girls are so soft! I like that.

It was my wife''s smile that attracted me to her. She has a very cute smile.

E:cb woof!
E:cb woof!
Ok, here''s a skinny one:

E:cb woof!
E:cb woof!
Oh cool so youre married to? =)
Thought that you where a teen ....but in an adolt way..or something! ....

Whats resident?....

cool about the soft thing! ...but some times they might be to soft?....Personally i dont like chubby men....
i meant...attracted to....i like them ....but they do not usually attract me ....
Btw....the wolf is not skinny! .....
maybe i am really skinny compared to that wolf.... (?)

It was my wife''s smile that attracted me to her. She has a very cute smile.

Does she appears on gamedev to???

quote:Original post by dog135

Are you a girl? I forget who the resident female is around here, I just assume I''m talking to all guys.

I''m the kind of guy that''s more into the face and atitude then the body. But chubby girls are so soft! I like that.

It was my wife''s smile that attracted me to her. She has a very cute smile.

E:cb woof!

some of my latest stuff. animation wise, anyway.

Ridiculously good stuff.

Edited by - synj on 5/5/00 12:43:39 PM
-synj------------www.synj.netRidiculously good stuff.
Hi, synj.

So you have found your way into the GameDev forum as well.

As always, I love your animations.

For everyone else, you really should visit synj's site and watch his animations. They are really good.

And as I'm already responding to this thread I might as well show you all my dragon again. (Click on it for a larger version)

- WitchLord

Edited by - WitchLord on 5/5/00 1:18:35 PM - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game

Hillou Hi synj really cool animations there! hehehe They where "funny" !
And WitchLord...your dargon is cool like always ...lemme ce the firs sketch of your knight when its "aviable"!!!
Gotta run/

There seem to be a lot of people who are interested in this kind of stuff, for all of those who are thinking of showing their stuff to the big wide world there is the FARP. Fantasy and also SF art is posted there.
Check it out at or
Lotses and lotses of good stuff to be found there if you are willing to dig.

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