101 Reasons why Everquest sucks ;)

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23 comments, last by m1dn1ght 24 years ago
hehe Start flamin'' guys, I need something funny to read

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." - The Shining
EQ is an awesome game, what are you talking about?

3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
No doubt! EQ rocks man...

Llanys T''vyl!

-fel, the only "non-dark" in Da Grobb Sqwadd (special dispensation, my husband is a troll *grin* Woodelf druid affinity for all things green I guess)
~ The opinions stated by this individual are the opinions of this individual and not the opinions of her company, any organization she might be part of, her parrot, or anyone else. ~
it sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Well, if you insist on knowing why it sucks...
The number one reason EQ sucks (as discussed by myself and Ian Firth of Prairie Dog Hunter/Cabela's Big Game Hunter fame at the last CGD) is that it's so freaking addicting. We should be working on code darnit. Plus alt-tab is disabled so you can't tab out while rejuvenating health and mana or sitting on a boat and work on your other projects.


Edited by - felisandria on 4/27/00 12:46:16 PM
~ The opinions stated by this individual are the opinions of this individual and not the opinions of her company, any organization she might be part of, her parrot, or anyone else. ~
I have to ask, for you guys who play Everquest -- what do you think of the announcement they made that they will take action against those who sell EQ items? After I heard it, I went to ebay to see if the sales had dropped any and they don''t look like they even batted an eye. I also have to ask, are the items worth paying money for? Not being an EQ player, I have to wonder how much more satisfying they make gameplay.
Worth is relative. I don't think it is but sales indicate that I am not in the majority.


ps Ooh check me out I am a Martyr

Edited by - kressilac on 4/27/00 1:44:42 PM
Derek Licciardi (Kressilac)Elysian Productions Inc.
The only problem with EQ is that it lacks real character development. I played a char to lvl42 and it''s all the same, camping some giant rat/treeant/greater kobold get some money and possible some items, go back to camping. The guildsystem is only a chat and PvP got really boring when they turned Tallon Zek to coin-only loot etc. Your character turns into a virtual god but yet you are unable to affect the world in any significant way. I have canceled my account but might resubscribe to explore Kunark... and yes, it''s very addictive

Hehe, I see your point Henry. The most fun I have is getting together with my guildmates and bashing random things that normally would be way too hard for us, and fortunately my guild is really active. There''s also something about fighting back to back with my husband. One of my friends (not an EQ player obviously) calls it "Rathunter 3D" because all you can do as a newbie is run around smacking rats with a sword or spell.
It''s cool being a druid tho, so many helpful spells... I like to sit at the front gate of Freeport and smack newly dead people with a Spirit of the Wolf so they can get their corpses safely, it brightens their whole day.

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