variables vs. html

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126 comments, last by neurokaotix 20 years, 6 months ago
HTML is deprecated, you are supposed to use XML now. If you use HTML, you'll run into compatibility issues which will cut your market share.

Variables have been subject to security holes : crackers can breach into your system and change their values. Constants are MUCH safer.

Therefore, I will recommend my personal favourite : I think Whitespace is MUCH easier to learn and way more powerful than any of the above languages, since it has the advantage of not being Turing-complete.

Plus there are free compilers for it.

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[edited by - Fruny on December 17, 2002 8:32:14 AM]
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Why hasn''t anyone mentioned Befunge yet?! That''s the best language for beginners. In fact, it does both HTML AND Variables at the same time! It''s so powerful id used it to make Doom 3!
html is l33t iso standard
xml has a lot of "standards"
quote:Original post by neurokaotix
html is l33t iso standard
xml has a lot of "standards"

Standards are good, let''s have many !

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"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
is php better than vb?
What IDE do you guys use for Variables?

I find l33t Variables++ .Net version 6.66 to be the best. Version 1.337 had a lot of bugs. Like not being able to compile the following :

let Variable spazMcFlafin = ???;
compile source spaxMcFlafin;
Make DoomIII;
eND 1337;
ENd PRogRaM;

I mean what the hell? This code should work (check the standard. ISO 1337.666)

That is totally the suck.
It is filled with much suckitude(tm).

HTML is much faster than XML. XML is managed and has to be interpreted, unless you compile to Universal Turing Machine Code.

For my money though, I just go with Turing Machine assembly language. The syntax is much cleaner

Move Left, read 1, write 0;
Move Right, read 0, write0 / read 1, write 1;

And you get the bonus of unlimited memory!
Only l33t HaX0rs use this. All others are the suck.
______________________________"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains" - J.J. Rousseau
I want turing :D
I have been laughing so hard at this thread it isn''t even funny
And so, the evil religion thread stole the wonderful "What the Heck?" thread's throne. Truly a sad day for gamedev.
Those pictures are hilarious, maybe I should make one.

My compiler generates one error message: "does not compile."
Variables++++ is turing complete, but the standard hasn''t been standardized by the standardizing comittee who itself doesn''t even have standard members. So that implied, Variables++++ should have standard DoomIII function built into the pixels in the variable "1337". So you should be able to say

Variable 1337

All you have to worry about is the textures, which ar built into the Variable "Hax0r", so all you do is:

Variable 1337
Variable Hax0r
DOOM Hax0r

Now if you''re really 1337 (non variable kind) you can get into isomorphing-variable-shapeshifting-template-character-specialization of the string that Variables++++ runs on. Then all you have to do to run DOOM is:


and there you are, Mr. Space marine in all his 1337 (clothing and graphics kind) glory, sending all the baddies to the 666 (hel kind), with your super 1337 (super awesome quantum leapforce google powered kind) weapons.

See, HTML sucks ass compared to Variables++++. Even HTML 1.0 can''t compare, and it has Variables---- support in it, which was an old standard. You have to back in time to learn it.

Oh, and did I mention it can do your luandry and math homework while manipulating 11th dimensional bozonic strings with a single statement? All you have to say is


Finally, it also prints the answer (in transdimensional-holographic 3D), the Answer AND Questions to Life, the Universe and Everything! And it''s NOT 42 (only I know).

PS. Don''t you wish you had the beta version?

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