My funny Ant Expedition

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11 comments, last by Reita 21 years, 4 months ago
Hi guys! I have already posted about this at some point in the past under a different nick - already months ago that was but as I have kept working on my demo I thought I'd give you an update here! Well, as I guess you're interested in the specs of this lil' bugger: - DirectX 8.1, sorry OpenGLers, I've been a DX man from the start on - Bruteforce heightmap-based Landscape, yes, you guessed it ... - Detail-textured - Uses DirectX Lighting Model - there are several coloured lights placed on the landscape - I'm using a lot of singletons in my design, e.g. one for the Camera, the Direct3D Subsystem, the Landscape-manager, Sound System and so on - this is a major improvement compared to the old version, which didn't show IMHO anything like a 'design' - My own simple Scripting Language - file intro.txt in /data - Uses BASS for mp3-playback - I didn't like DirectMusic, too many functions, didn't use a percent of them ... BASS offers just what I need for this application - Billboards for trees/bushes, skybox - md3 models, rendered using the DX vertex-tween shader - processed in software on my GF2, but there's hardly an impact on the FPS - way better than locking/unlocking the vertexbuffer each frame! - Frustum-culling for billboards, models, landscape-parts - Catmull-Rom Splines for camera-movement And there is another thing you'll notice: I've locked the FPS à la '#define LIMITFPS 35.0f'. The reason is not a cheap way around coding time-based movement, nope, that's working properly. The thing is, on my old GeForce 2MX the framerate is quite instable, which has a negative impact on the playback of the mp3. Capping FPS solved the stuttering. Maybe someone of you has experience with this sort of problems? Anyways, as I will upgrade my system in the next half-year I'm sure I'll can remove this limitation or up it at least! Well, this is a project for school - as I'm going to take my final exams in May... I hope you like it and I'd be glad to hear/read your opinion about it What should I change/add/remove? BTW - as the program is in German, here are the keys you can use to navigate when the time comes Arrow-Keys for rotation, [SHIFT] for forward movement, [CTRL] for backbard movement! Enjoy! Finally, THE link Stephan Reiter [edited by - Reita on December 25, 2002 4:40:39 PM]
When I try to run the game I get a message right after I double click the icon saying "Fehler beim Starten des Programms" Which after I hit ok the game closes.
Ouch, that seems to be a problem with the Direct3D initialization then... Could someone else try it too, please
I ran your demo, and it seemed to initialize alright and run, but there was one huge problem... the ants had no bodies! only heads. There is however, a slender ant-colored polygon showing up sporatically near the lower right corner of the screen that seems that it might be the missing bodies (or part of them, anyhow). Other than that, it looks great to me, I especially like the music, who is that? The controls are solid, too, perhaps sluggish, but I think it has it''s charm in this demo. One point of artistic criticism is that the billboarding doesn''t seem to work as well with the long bushes as it does with the trees and other cylindrical objects, it just doesn''t look as natural. Keep up the good work.

--"The greatest pleasure in life is in doing what people say you cannot do." -- Walter Bageholt
I get the errormessage "Fehler beim starten des Programmes",
Sysconfig : Geforce 2 TI (Sparkle), CPU 1800XP(AMD),256MB Ram,
installed on D:\antexp
maybe he found some graphics not,

I am the anon that posted above. Don''t know if it matters or not but I did update to directx 9.0 before I tried your game...
I tried it on a 1GHz Athlon, 192MB SDRAM, Win98 SE and a voodoo 3 3000 (not quite sure if it''s supposed to run on such a system) but unfortunately it gave me this during startup ("Ameisenexpedition wird geladen!":

"ANTEXP verursachte einen Fehler durch eine ungültige Seite
in Modul KERNEL32.DLL bei 0167:bff7a388.
EAX=3f800000 CS=0167 EIP=bff7a388 EFLGS=00210216
EBX=000000a4 SS=016f ESP=0088fa98 EBP=0088fabc
ECX=00000000 DS=016f ESI=00695864 FS=4757
EDX=00660000 ES=016f EDI=0395ff5c GS=6746
Bytes bei CS:EIP:
89 41 08 8b 56 04 8b 46 08 89 50 04 8d 04 1e 50
0395ff5c 00000000 0066000c 00660000 00695864 00000040 00000000 00003ff5 00000696 0088fae4 bff7a550 00660000 00695864 000000a4 00000041 00000041"
belongs to the above posting ^^^^

DX8.1 is installed.

It run''s great on my machine...
I have:
XP Professional
933 Pentium III processor
ATI Radeon 7500 Graphics Card
256 MBs Ram
DirectX 9 Installed

I don''t know why others are getting errors hope this helps...

Are the ant''s dancing or walking?


Why sleep? You can do that when your dead.
Why sleep? You can do that when your dead.(Hope you don't mind if I borrow this: )
Hey, thanks a lot for the testing... I guess it''s best if I upload a debug exe to find out where exactly it is failing - what I already know is that there are problems right from the start in the direct3d initialisation...

Well concerning the voodoo 3 I''m sorry I have to say it won''t work - a detail texture 512x512 is used, which is, as far as I know, not supported on voodoo3 hardware - I had a voodoo3 2000 before I upgraded, too

@DocKode & etaylor27: I''m glad to see it working on someone else''s computer. Well, yes the ants are walking but if you come close to them they sort of start dancing. The music is by ''Dandy Warhois - Bohemian like you'' -> I got inspired when I watched the Vodafone ad spots on German TV.

okay, here is the debug-exe, it''s a small download Thanks in advance for your help!

A log-file "log.txt" is created in the application directory and should look like this:

BEGIN: D3DSubsystem
DONE: RegisterClassEx( &winClass );
DONE: CreateWindowEx ( ... );
DONE: pDirect3D = Direct3DCreate8( D3D_SDK_VERSION );
DONE: pDirect3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode( D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, &displayMode );
Set up Z-Buffer...
DONE: pDirect3D->CreateDevice( ... );
DONE: QueryPerformanceFrequency( &ticksPerSecond );
FINISHED: D3DSubsystem

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