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2 comments, last by Aanidaani 21 years, 4 months ago
Hello again everyone! I hope you all had a great Christmas--I know I did. Anyway, my reason for making this post wasn't to tell you about Christmas, but to ask for advice. Recently I finished reading Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus , and I learned a great deal from it. The author's style makes for an enjoyable and informative read, and I highly recommend it to anyone. However, now that I am done, I am somewhat uncertain of how to proceed. I would like to start writing a simple tetris-type game, but I am at a loss on where to find some good, practical tutorials on creating a game. Certainly Game Programming Gurus contains a large amount of examples, but I would like to see a few other, complete, yet simple, games before I go into work myself. Any advice pertaining to my situation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! "Ignorance is the sin of the many, whereas knowledge is the salvation of the few." Aanidaani [edited by - Aanidaani on December 26, 2002 2:37:33 PM]
"Ignorance is the sin of the many, whereas knowledge is the salvation of the few."Aanidaani
You should easily have enough material and reference inside TOTWGPG to build a working Tetris clone.
I haven''t looked through it recently, but I know LaMothe covers all the basics of collision detection using basic shapes.

-This is where the world drops off
I think he means sourcecode to a complete game, not just isolated examples.
Well, there is a "Hands-On Interactive Game Development" Forum on Gamedev, just scroll down a bit on the forums page
I haven''t tried it tho and don''t know how useful it is.

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---Just trying to be helpful.Sebastian Beschke
Yeah, I''m looking for a complete source-type tutorial. I''d like to see how different people implement certain features, as well as get a better idea of the different aspects of DirectX, in action. Thanks for the suggestion about the forum. I''ll take a look.

"Ignorance is the sin of the many, whereas knowledge is the salvation of the few."

"Ignorance is the sin of the many, whereas knowledge is the salvation of the few."Aanidaani

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