What does XML do?

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45 comments, last by smiley4 21 years, 2 months ago
I want to know what is XML used for. In plain English, why do you even need it?
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xml is used to store information in an easily readable format (for both humans, and xml parsers). Although the file size is greatly increased over a simple comma separated solution (for example), the file format can be easily extended to include other tags and/or attributes. Also, you can use x-path, or xslt to extract data in different ways or to easily query the xml data set.

Hope that helps,

Joel Martinez
Joel Martinez
XML is used as a strategy for storing data. It allows one to catalogue various forms, files, etc... in an easily searchable and consistent format. This would most likely be used by big business, library, government, etc.. in order to store records in a consistent format. It is really useful in automating tasks like this. At the moment the big push in XML is to "redefine" the WWW in order to reach the Semantic Web where every page on the internet is easily indexed, searchable, and specific information readily accessible. If you want to do game programming you don''t need XML.

We are here on Earth to fart around. Don''''t let anyone tell you any different!
- Kurt Vonnegut
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don''t let anyone tell you any different! - Kurt Vonnegut
quote: If you want to do game programming you don''t need XML.

I think that''s a bit of a generalisation ... you can still use xml if you want to store game data in an easily modifiable and maintainable fashion. That being said, I don''t see xml as having infiltrated the game industry as of yet (at least as far as I can tell).

Joel Martinez
Joel Martinez
Ok, then how about &#106avascript? I''m realy wanting to learn what all languages do or what they ar best used for so that I can learn them and use them more efficiantly an cohesively.
Now I shall systematicly disimboule you with a .... Click here for Project Anime
It doesn''t do anything. It merely describes other things.

"I know very well who Satan is: He is freedom. He is the uncontrolled, the incalculable, the antithesis of order and discipline, the antithesis of the legalism of outer space.... We know where a planet will be in twelve years, four months and nine days. But we don''t know where a butterfly will have flown one minute hence. Therefore the butterfly is of Satan."
-- Jens Bjørneboe
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quote:Original post by smiley4
Ok, then how about &#106avascript? I''m realy wanting to learn what all languages do or what they ar best used for so that I can learn them and use them more efficiantly an cohesively.

&#106avascript is most widely used in conjunction with html in web pages - that is - &#111;n the client side. It provides a means for manipulating a handful of document objects exposed by the web browser. &#106avascript can also be used &#111;n the server side - but that isn''t very common anymore. Most people use Perl for server side scripting. <br><br><hr><br>"It is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of their leaders. That is easy. All you have to tell them is that they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."<br>Hermann Goering<br>
"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man
Actually XML is used for game programming to an extent. I''ve seen an DHTML RPG creation language that uses XML scripting to create your own RPG using the base engine. I believes it''s somewhere at www.animetheme.com.
"God''s in his Heaven. All''s right with the World"
quote:Original post by platypusman
If you want to do game programming you don''t need XML.

Esay now. No one said you can''t use it for game programming... :D

"No one said you can''t use it for game programming... :D "

No, I didn''t say you can''t use it but I did say you don''t need it. I have yet to see a good example of it being used for game programming and don''t believe that I will see a good example of it in a long time.
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don''t let anyone tell you any different! - Kurt Vonnegut

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