Semper Fi: 21

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-1 comments, last by Cypher Ae 21 years, 2 months ago
the topic title is also the name of my game in works being a ''bullet dodger'' It''s played on a angled top-down perspective and the character must move about the areas without being hit by bullets. The backgrounds will be pre-rendered but the characters are made in paint shop pro. there will be music and sound effects as well as a plot about how the main character got his speedy abilities and wishes to use them to uncover the secret chemical tests that created him and expose it. The plot will focus its morals and peoples beliefs and what influences them. Interested? I''d appriciate any help. It''s being coded with Visual Basic 5.0. Email: Cypher[Ae] - Define reality...
Cheers, comrade Kyle Evans,Artificial entertainment [Movie/Game Reviews]Contact:

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