New Proof: P = NP !

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9 comments, last by gumby 21 years, 2 months ago
quote:Original post by cedricl
I haven''t, but I''m interested in that kind of stuff, and since I''m doing a B. Sc. in maths-phys, I won''t learn it at school.

Fruny, what kind of textbook are you using in these classes? Can you give me a few references?

We''ve been using "Introduction to Theory of Computation" by Sipser, but it''s only so-so, and kinda expensive.

quote:Original post by Anonymous Poster
However nondeterministic Turing Machines are not infinitely parallel, nor are they quantum. The class of problems efficiently solvable on a quantum computer (usually the class BQP is considered) is not known and probably has very little relationship with NP.


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