Simple questions.

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3 comments, last by KurtCPP 20 years, 10 months ago
Hi buddies!! Could someone tell me what the Z80 CPU has been used for?? I mean was it really used for Game Boyz ? and what about simple computers? Something else : are there ''DirectX-like'' tools for the consoles or does each dev-team have to program everything from scratch to make games?? Thank you for answering. Prog, Sex & Rock''n''Roll : I don''t like the Prog but the prog likes me.
Prog, Games & Rock'n'Roll :I don't like the Prog but the Prog likes me.
1. I''m not sure, but I think that''s what''s used in a Ti-83 (+)
2. Consoles makers usually ship there own API''s with their dev kits. Hell, I think the XBox actually uses DirectX (it''s probably specialized of course). I''m also pretty sure the GameCube uses a proprietary graphics API that''s very similar to OpenGL.

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[edited by - SpaceRogue on June 20, 2003 6:12:42 PM]
If I''m not mistaken the Z80 was used in the Gameboy/Color/Pocket and the NES, as well as a variety of other things. The GBA uses an ARM processor.

I think that''s what you''re looking for... they also have a link on that page for "game machines" if that''s more what you are interested in.

Dustino: I think the GB used the z80 but nes used the 6502.

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