Linker Error

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2 comments, last by MeoDea 20 years, 7 months ago
Ok, i am trying to figure out this windows stuff with the aid of a tutorial (therefore the is alot of the code thats exactly the same as the tutorial all pasted together) and it was all running fine until i reached a certain step (message handling) where i started to get this little pair of linker errors unresolved external symbol _main 1 unresolved externals I''d post all the code i have, but first i''d like to ask if there is a way i can do so thats better then just copy and paste
If you're using Visual C++ you MUST work on a Win32 application and not a console project or anything else. Usually _main means that you don't have the main function anywhere in your program and if your using windows you would be using WinMain.

All you gotta do is click new, choose a new win32 application and get started on that and it should work.

[edited by - SumDude on September 14, 2003 12:21:23 AM]
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hmm... i pretty sure i made it a win32 thingy... either way, thanks
make sure the cpp file with main in it has been inserted into the project

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