projection Transformation

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2 comments, last by jho 23 years, 10 months ago
hi, can someone please point me out to a URL where they teach you how to transform a 3D point XYZ into screen XY.. Basically I''m trying to write a camera routine...

you talking about the actual math involved independent of software or what? If you''re using OpenGL, then I assume you have the Red Book.. if not, get it..

Also, check out for great tutorials on OpenGL related stuff..

Other than that, give me a little more detail and I''m sure I can dig something up..


leader of the free world .. or something ..
--leader of the free world .. or something ..
No.. Not openGL.. I''m talking about low level ugly stuff, like rotate the camera given VUP and VPN to align to the XYZ coordinates.. argh. I am reading foley van dam it''s a little complicated! any better source out there?

I''m trying to write a camera similar to GLuLookAt, where you give position, point of interest, and VUP. Please help before my brain explode...
Hi everyone, please help me..
I decided to specify my camera using the UVN system,
N = Position - Point_LookAt
V = user specified, (0,1,0)..etc.
U - crossproduct(N,V)

Now, I am really not sure how to rotate this UVN system back to XYZ system.. I need to find out the negative angles of Rz Ry Rz right? Please help!

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