I have lighter fluid, do you have flame?

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4 comments, last by deadlinegrunt 23 years, 9 months ago
That''s the best subject line I could come up with. Sorry the creativity isn''t flowing at the moment. 1. Anonymous Posting -- Rather than trying to get the mods to change the way the service works, why don''t you try to change your way of thinking? I can just as easily ignore an anonymous post as well as a registered one if I deem there is nothing in it for me to take to heart and use. For example, you may feel this way about this very post... 2. Posting Rank -- I don''t want to point at the specific examples because the ones I point out include some of the more popular regulars. However, I can say that through the entire threads I am recalling, they were all very high in rank. The only thing I got out of it was this: The quantity of the post are in no way what-so-ever related to the quality. In a way this get''s back to #1. ( And to the mods, specifically Rhino, Yes - I know you have posted that point numerous times. ) My point, if you can call it one is this: I am noboby in the grand scheme of things etc. I like most of the people here and think GDnet provides an awesome service for what it has set out to do. Don''t you all think, as regular registered users, it would be more appropriate to drop the AOL''ish amtmosphere to some of the message boards? Instead bring to the table the very thing this site was designed, setup, and implemented for; resources for all things related to games and how to make them. I''m not attacking anyone here. With this in mind, I am sure it will come across that way -- Let the public floggings begin. YAP-YFIO, deadlinegrunt


I think the posting rank is harmless. if someone *points at nes* makes their day by making posts on gamedev, than so be it. I agree with the anymous posting stuff. I like to know who I''m talking to.

JoeMont001@aol.com | www.polarisoft.n3.net
My HomepageSome shoot to kill, others shoot to mame. I say clear the chamber and let the lord decide. - Reno 911
We could debate on this for days and days. Truthfully, the system is pretty good the way it is right now, so we probably shouldn''t touch it.

Changing the future of adventure gaming...
Atypical Interactive
------------------------------Changing the future of adventure gaming...Atypical Interactive
Hey, I pretty much agree with everything you have to say.

For the record, we are working on some improvements to the boards that will allow for filtering, so that people don''t have to see crap if they don''t want to.

At the same time, you make an excellent point about the AOLish atmosphere. I''m glad people actively post here, but I seriously wonder about people that spend all day participating in off-topic threads. I know from experience that chances are, a lot of them haven''t ever really written a game, so why are they spending all their time at a game development site talking about nothing? You can do that anywhere.

These are things I''ve said before, and they aren''t directed at anyone in particular.
At the same time, you make an excellent point about the AOLish atmosphere. I''m glad people actively post here, but I seriously wonder about people that spend all day participating in off-topic threads. I know from experience that chances are, a lot of them haven''t ever really written a game, so why are they spending all their time at a game development site talking about nothing? You can do that anywhere.

They do it coz there are so many people here. If somebody has anything to say or get a response to (even if it''s not about games) he wants to go to a board that us full of people so he gets at least a few responses. And since GDNet is full of people (thanks to you guys) they do it here.

- Tekumze
- Tekumze
Maybe you could ask the guys from BeNews.com about their forum, there people can moderate posts up and down, so if a lot of people moderate something down, it wil be collapsed / hidden

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