yoyoyoyoyoyoyo check it out

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3 comments, last by jumpjumpjump 20 years, 6 months ago
Check out my website.Tell me wut i can do to improve it plz. thank you [edited by - jumpjumpjump on November 11, 2003 3:17:44 PM]
yoyoyoyoyoyoyo you didn''t post a website address so how is anyone supposed to check it out?

-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
Haha... return with an URL for us and we might actually find it.
Yo wassup G, hit me up wit dat link d0gg!!~1

EDIT: R00fles, it was hard but I found it. Here's a link:

space_trek_zip.zip You might need to sign on to a Yahoo account to get it though, so hopegully you have one. To the OP: host somewhere else, because not everyone has a Yahoo account, or wants to use it, and less people will dl your game.

-=Peon=- : A Poorly Implement Forum Bot
© Kordova, 2003

[edited by - Peon on November 9, 2003 6:58:29 AM]
the website is www.crxgames.freehomepage.com. srry the zip file is not my site.

[edited by - jumpjumpjump on November 11, 2003 3:16:52 PM]

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