BSP collision detection

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0 comments, last by tashco 23 years, 9 months ago
Can you let me know if I am on course or completely off track for doing collision detection within a BSP tree. I''m using the quake style BSP tree which has nodes for splitting planes and leaves to contain actual geometry. I take it I walk the BSP tree checking that my bounding object is on one side or the other of a splitting plane. If I''m on one side I follow the child node for that side. If I intercept the splitting plane I follow both child nodes. When I reach a leaf node I check my bounding volume against the geometry itself? Is this right or have I missed something fundamental. Also, I''m using BSP trees and am not going to be swayed from that, so please, no comments to use some of visible surface determation method. Thanks
Hmm....I think the way you´re doing things is correct.You have to find the leaf you´re in anyway(for PVS if you have one?) and then you check only against the faces in that leaf-it couldn´t be better(faster) than that.I plan to use the same approach in my Q3-viewer and I think it is the fastest+easiest way....But who knows anoyne another idea?


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