writing samples

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55 comments, last by sunandshadow 23 years, 8 months ago

One might think of equality as something being equal to something else, but in reality equality doesn''t exist. Everything we know, sense, think or do, is different from an other knowledge, sense, thought, or action we might thought it was equal to. As an example think of two cubic portions of the space with nothing inside but space itself; both have the same dimensions, and both hold nothing but space, how can they not be equal?, well there''s a distance in between them that makes them different, to understand this better take the earth as a point of reference, and name the first cubic "A", and the second cubic "B", cubic A is nearest to the earth than is B, and that makes a difference. Now think of an other empty cubic portion of space as the mentioned in the preceding example, and name it cubic "A", wait the amount of time that you desire (even 1/100000000^10 of a second), and delete cubic A, now make an other cubic with the same dimensions and in the exact same place where the cubic A was placed, and name it cubic "B", now you can claim that cubic A is equal to cubic B because both have the same dimensions, and both have the same coordinates, however, still there is a big remarkable difference in between them, They form part of a totally different universe, in the second, nanosecond or millisecond that separates them, trillions of billions of millions of events changed the shape of the whole, maybe a planet rotated 1/10000 of degree or some hydrogen were combusted in some star, or if the amount of time elapsed from the destruction of cubic A to the creation of cubic B were too short that only the electrons of all the matter in the universe were capable of moving only 1/1000^10 of an inch, then that make a difference in the universe of cubic A from the universe of cubic B, thus they are not equal. If we create two cubics with the same dimensions, and the same space-time, and we name them cubic "A" and cubic "B", then both would be cubic A, or both would be cubic B. Everything you might think, even what you are thinking now has its own universe, and therefore is unique.

||||-- Our creation is the transformation of one. --|||
||||-- Our creation is the transformation of one. --|||
Hey ! that''s not fantasy !
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
More like philosophy I think. Very good Virus (but maybe a little hard to fit into a game ).

runemaster: You continue to build up mysteries, I see. Now you better keep writting until the story is finished or I shall summon a demon to haunt you for the rest of your days


I was reading these stories and decided to take some of the ideas bouncing around my head, shackle ''em, then set up a tent at the circus and charge two bits a gander. A quick look at the costs involved killed that plan, so yo guys get them.

This is the first part of a story I''ve been thinking about writing for some time. Well, about an hour ago I finally got around to it.

This is obviously the first draft. If I start cleaning it up now I''ll never post it.

So here it is, warts and all...

Starting Over---

Part I - The Key

The fact that the driver of the car saw Josiah in the crosswalk and very likely had enough time to avoid the collision is unimportant. Nor is it important that nearly seven minutes passed before the paramedics arrived. Those are merely details.

What is important is that Josiah died. What happened next... now that is something worth talking about.

Keep in mind that there are no official records of what happens to someone immediately after dying. All we have are stories, speculation, and the few comments Josiah and others have made about the ordeal, but that will have to do.

Most likely, Josiah saw a hazy whiteness all around him and felt himself gently falling at first. For a few moments (or millenia?), he was quite content with that, and had no desire to feel, know, or think anything else. But, at some point, he realized (or decided?) that he was dead.

At that point, the last few seconds of his life replayed for him. So, he knew he was dead, and he knew how he died. Those two bits of knowledge had peculiar effect on him: nothing. He felt no bitterness or loss. He was completely at peace with his situation.

Peace, serenity, tranquility, freedom...

Call it a cosmic joke, but at that moment, as he floated there in what was essentially nowhere, he was given (or maybe he created it) the secret of happiness and the key to the universe. Too bad no one thought to change the locks.

After some time, Josiah noticed that he was smiling; a warm, friendly, contented smile. This is probably the first time, since he entered the afterlife that he even considered that he had a body. Upon further inspection, he discovered that he did indeed have a full body, and he looked great for someone who had just been run over. He did not have a scratch on him. In fact, he looked better than he ever did when he was alive.

That thought must have puzzled him. Up until then, all he could recall of his life were the last two or three minutes, yet there he was commenting on a past he never new he had. Were he more philosophical, he might have spent eons disecting that paradox. But Josiah was not much of a philospher, so he did not waste to much time it. Instead he focused more on investigating his past.

Like reading the end of a novel first to make sure the hero survives (the irony of it was completely lost on Josiah), he began recalling his life a few months at a time moving backwards from his death.

He probably made it through the last year or two of his life before a particularly disturbing thought occured to him: "I''m dead, and I''m falling. That can''t be good"

To be continued...
quote:Original post by ahw

Hey ! that''s not fantasy !

Sure it is. How many times have you read a fantasy and heard the wise old wizard guy say "You can never drink from the same river twice." ? It''s the same idea.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

It was just a sarcastic way to praise the originality of the text, which is, unlike most of the other, in an heroic fantasy setting. Actually, it would be the same "spirit" than yours.

I want moooooore !
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
So nobody wants to comment on my story?

(Of course I''m dropping it since there''s a very similar story in Realms of the Arcane that I read over the weekend.)

sorry pax I''m so busy working on Athalon : Into the Maelstrom that I can barely post here...

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-----Jonas Kyratzes - writer, filmmaker, game designerPress ALT + F4 to see the special admin page.
quote:Original post by pax

So nobody wants to comment on my story?

(Of course I''m dropping it since there''s a very similar story in Realms of the Arcane that I read over the weekend.)

I thought your story about Eajan was very good. I already commented on it some time back (2th september, see further up on the board).

But what''s Realms of the Arcane ? Never heard of it before.


Well, pax, basically I like the idea of the story a lot, all this "hey, how come I can do that, what kind of guy am I ?" etc is very interesting, there is something about redemption in this, that I find a very good toic of reflection. There was a very good episode on this topic in Babylon 5 (can''t remember the number), where one guy was a serial killer or something, but got brainwashed, and turned into a priest novice as a form of redemption for his sins... Then when he realises what he realise what he really was compared to what he has come to become, he truely make amends, but get killed :/ Anyway, jsut to say I like this topic, and I would love to know the rest of the story .
What is Realms of the Arcane anyway ? And why ouldn''t you write your ideas even if they already exists ? Every person who attacks the story of Robin hood is damn sure his version is the best there can be, after all

nicba : if i can criticize a bit, I would say that the story for the elf lacked a bit more dramatisation. What I mean is that since it''s supposed to be only a flavor text, as opposed to the beginning of a long saga, it would be better to concentrate more emotions into the short length of the text, in order to create something ... more ... I dunno what
Basically, there is nothing wrong with the style in itself, it''s just it doesn''t seem, mmm, I think there is not enough rythm. For instance, the last two paragraphs are very nice, the calm after the storm, and the cold anger of the elf. But I think maybe the melee scene could be more dramatic, don''t make it two skeletons, make it ten of them coming at him, make him surrounded and almost beaten, when suddenly the rays of the sun pour on the skeletons and they fall on the ground ... or something similar.
Actually, the beginning is very nice as well, the fog, and the night, the clearing filled with the soudn of flying arrows.
I guess all I am talking about is something more climatic, a crescendo sort of thing, and the aftermath.
Anyway, I hope I am being constructive enough

runemaster : hey, those little stories are very nice, the one fo the Athalon design doc is nicely done, quietly climbing to a climax with the storm, then everything blurs, and fade to a new world ... would make a perfect intro ! written or animated.

For the second story, I like the beginning. This style of "old man telling a story by the fire side" is very cool and useful to explain lot of things in the middle of the story. The only complaint I have is the end, there was jsut something wrong, I am not sure what. I think maybe the repetition about the flashy green lights and the people in it is a bit too repetitive. Maybe you could do something a bit more like a zoom, at first there are only several hooded shadowy figures, but then you notice that one has something particular, and you zoom in, until ... oh! something that can''t be told yet

Ochavelli : loved it ! I like this kind of text where everything is very normal. The tone of the text, very matter of fact, fits totally with the story ''so there, I am dead''. Additionally, I love the total break of rythm at the end, very good cliffhanger. Now I hope you have planned something after that !

errr ... i think that''s pretty much it. I was gonna post another story in the same background than the first, but it just sucked too much, so I had another idea, and am still waiting for the mix to be ready ... we''ll see when it''s done.

youpla :-P
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !

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