Motocross Madness 2© Engine, any Ideas?

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-1 comments, last by Aman 23 years, 8 months ago
Hello fellow programmers, I was wondering your thoughts, ideas, theroys, on how to create a game engine (World) similer to Motocross Madness 2©. Terrian, objects, physics etc. (Not recreating game just that type of engine. ex: Halo, MotoMad2, Echelon, etc.) Closer to MotoMad2 though with the trees, houses, bridges and ability to texture roads, grass, creeks, etc. If you know of any articles on theory or code that would help please let me know. (I think its some kind of voxel engine, however all the code samples I have seen are miles away from matching the smoothness of the terrian, and none I''ve seen have objects, or textures such as roads, etc.) Thank you up front for your time and effort. Aman Its better to be silent and thought a fool then to speak and remove all doubt.
Its better to be silent and thought a foolthen to speak and remove all doubt.

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