Object Visibility

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0 comments, last by thekid 23 years, 7 months ago
How do I determine if an object is inside my view frustrum. D3D BTW. I have the Objects Matrix and the Camera View+World Positions. Thanx
Approximate your object to a sphere: pos + r.

Transform pos into camera coordinate system: VecMatMul( &pos, viewMatrix ).

Clip if in front of the "front clip" or behind of the "back clip": if( pos.z < frontClip || pos.z > backClip ) -= clipped =-
(That takes care of front and back frustrum planes)

It's not that easy with left/right/top/bottom planes, because they are not parallel to anything...

Easy-Cheesy way (not very precise):
1. Project pos (which is already in camera coordinate system) on screen:
posXScreen = ( (  pos.x / pos.z ) * focus ) + screenWidthHalf;posYScreen = ( ( -pos.y / pos.z ) * focus ) + screenHeightHalf;    

Where "focus" is focus distance - distance from camera to a projection plane:
focus = screenHeightHalf / tan( vertFOVHalf );   

2. Project object radius on-screen:
screenR = ( r / pos.z ) * focus;   

3. Now you have screenX, screenY - object position ON SCREEN and screenR - object radius ON SCREEN. So...
if( screenX + screenR < 0 || screenX - screenR > screenWidth || screenY + screenR < 0 || screenY - screenR > screenHeight ) -= clipped =-   

Another way (more precise):
1. Take four normals from every frustrum plane (using cross products).
if( VecDot( center, &frustrumNormals ) < -r ) -= clipped =-  

Yep, that requires some crazy math knowledge... I can give you code if you want.




Edited by - Meduzza on September 14, 2000 10:33:32 AM

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