[java] LWJGL NeHe tutorials now online

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7 comments, last by garazdawi 19 years, 9 months ago
NeHe has posted the tutorial conversions for LWJGL. I have sent him tutorials 1-18, except 14 and 15. I have also converted 19, 20 and 21, but have not sent them yet. You can get them at http://members.rogers.com/mark.bernard/NeHeGLLessons.zip. I plan to convert all 48 tutorials, but they may not get converted in that order. For example, number 14 and 15 use Windows specific extensions to generate polygons from fonts. While this is probably do-able with Java fonts, the amount of work involved means that it will be left to the end, so more can be converted quicker. If you have any comments or suggestions or anything I missed, please e-mail me or leave a forum message.
"None of us learn in a vacuum; we all stand on the shoulders of giants such as Wirth and Knuth and thousands of others. Lend your shoulders to building the future!" - Michael Abrash[JavaGaming.org][The Java Tutorial][Slick][LWJGL][LWJGL Tutorials for NeHe][LWJGL Wiki][jMonkey Engine]
Have you considered putting this information in the Wiki on www.lwjgl.org? There is not alot of info there right now and a link to that page in the FAQ might help alot of people.
garazdawi - 'I put the laughter back in slaughter'
As a matter of fact, yes. Just haven't had a chance yet.
"None of us learn in a vacuum; we all stand on the shoulders of giants such as Wirth and Knuth and thousands of others. Lend your shoulders to building the future!" - Michael Abrash[JavaGaming.org][The Java Tutorial][Slick][LWJGL][LWJGL Tutorials for NeHe][LWJGL Wiki][jMonkey Engine]
I'm thinking of using lwjgl for a small 2d chat engine I'm building, but I don't know if it would be better performance(and programming) wise to use lwjgl or Java2D to make a 2D game? Do you have any thought on this?
garazdawi - 'I put the laughter back in slaughter'
LWJGL will provide better graphics performance - but for a 2d chat, it sounds a bit like shooting sparrows with cannon balls - unless you plan on making some fancy stuff?
Yes, that does sound a bit excessive for a chat client... Unless it's something like that one chat program from MS a few years back where you could walk around a virtual room and talk to people like that... I forget the name of it...
Well for now it's just gonna be a 2d chat engine, but once I get it working I have larger plans... I'm just gonna learn how to use NIO for now but I still want a firm base so that I can do some fancy 2d stuff if I want to. But I don't think I will ever go 3D, isometric at most... I*m posponing this decition until later in development though as I don't have any time to design a good game cycle as yet so for now I'm just gonna play around with NIO and all its nifty features ^^
garazdawi - 'I put the laughter back in slaughter'
"... we should have such an empire for liberty as she has never surveyed since the creation ..."Thomas Jefferson
Quote:Original post by GKW
I have already tried jogl for some time and never quite liked it...
garazdawi - 'I put the laughter back in slaughter'

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