new game

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0 comments, last by djsteffey 23 years, 7 months ago
click here just wanted to tell everyone I put something up in the gd showcase. The above link is a link to the game on the showcase. The screen shot looks really crappy because I had to use MS-PAINT to reduce the size to 25% of the original because a bitmap 640x480 was just too big to upload. Email me and tel me what you think. "Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time" - Monty Python and the Holy Grail themGames Productions
is cool.

brings back windows game prgraming for dummies memories

Don't take life too seriously, you''ll never get out of it alive. -Bugs Bunny
-------------------------------------------------Don't take life too seriously, you''ll never get out of it alive. -Bugs Bunny

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