Unregistered posts

Started by
13 comments, last by Facehat 24 years, 4 months ago

- Splat


Here! Here! I also agree with the Goopster!

Also please remove all these kinds of threads as they only clog up the
board! ALL of them are posted by unregister users! Evil people!

- Help Me!
- Where do I start?
- What compiler is best?
- What book should I buy?
- Look at all this code and then fix it!
- Read my mind because I don't give you any information whatsoever
and then try to solve my problem!


I don't think completly abolishing unregistered posts is a good idea. And banning IP addresses is a definate no-no. This is supposed to be an open site. Requiring registration gets us one step closer to requiring a submission of two demo programs before you can even log on.

I agree that some of these unregistered posts are out of control. The worst being ones that are obviously someone who is registered just putting that post on anonymously to start a flame war. Or people posting the same question to three boards not realizing that all three instantly appear on the "latest threads" portion of the home page.

If anything is done, we should follow /.'s example and make every unregistered post an "anonymous coward". That way you know how seriously to take the post.

-the logistical one-http://members.bellatlantic.net/~olsongt
You reserve the right not to read or reply to anonymous posts =)
Sometimes its interesting when a couple of anonymous posts show up in the latest threads section. You read them, then while reading the next real post in the latest threads, you tend to notice something. The time of the postings are within a couple minutes, the style of writing is the same and all the incorrect spellings are the same. Therefor, logic dictates that they were all posted by the same person. Now you have his name.

Just something I notices... Anonymous Coward.

I don't really think (at the moment) that unregistered posts should be ban'd... but perhaps limited to certain forums.

Just my two cents.

[This message has been edited by Gromit (edited November 26, 1999).]

William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

Interesting idea Gromit. I think making it so you have to register only for *some* boards would be entirely appropriate. The "Lounge" forum, for instance, should not require registration. But a forum like "DirectX/OpenGL/..." should.

Logistix: I don't think free registration is really asking too much. The good thing about requiring people to register is that it allows the moderators to have a bit of control over posts.


I will try to patrol those boards a little more and see if this is really getting out of hand and if it is the staff will talk about how to handle it.

So far Ive seen people getting pretty pissed at anonymous people who werent saying much different than a registered user could have, so I havent really seen abuse.

The idea of letting anyone post without registerign was because we wanted people to feel free to register when they wanted to, and not because we were forcing them to to post. If we start to get so much activity that this becomes a problem, then we'll rethink the idea.

Until then, dont treat unregistered posters any different than you would treat registered ones you dont know, and youll probably have less problems. It not like they wont register ever, and if they have a good conversation as unregistereds they may very will want to.


I agree that registration in and of itself isn't a big deal, but it only gives to Forum Leaders control if they start banning users (which I don't think is a good idea or the answer). Hopefully registration would make someone think twice before flaming, but that relies on common sense, and you have to wonder with some of the peeps out there.
-the logistical one-http://members.bellatlantic.net/~olsongt
I'll have to talk to the others about this, but I'm beginning to believe that it IS time to limit unregistered posts to certain forums. As Geoff said, the intent was to not discourage people from posting by requiring registration. But the fact that registration is so easy (we don't even require e-mail verification like most users of this software), and the increasing number of questionable unregistered posts, makes me think it is time to change.

- Dave

Yes, let's see some real numbers before everyone gives in to speculation
and hype over one or two isolated cases. I think it is ludicrous that a
person is demanding that people only post non-fluff information that is
interesting to them only. Moderating what qualifies as good and bad content
goes against an open forum community, and I'm glad there is more than one
person in charge to decide what is best.


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