Final Release of Asteroids Game

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-1 comments, last by falkone 19 years, 7 months ago
GD Showcase Entry Just wanted to let you know that I've completed my work on my Asteroids game (By that, I mean that I've stopped working on it whether or not it's really complete). There's a list of things that I thought might be nice if implemented. A few of them are AABB Collision Testing (as opposed to bounding circle) Resolution Switching High Scores table Unfortunately, with school picking up again, I can't devote nearly as much to this game as I'd like to (wouldn't take too much time.. but it's valuable time). If enough people desired me to, I could begin work again and incorporate some, all, or more than these features. What do you guys think? Do you guys want to see better collision detection and a high scores table?
Disclaimer: "I am in no way qualified to present advice on any topic concerning anything and can not be held responsible for any damages that my advice may incurr (due to neither my negligence nor yours)"

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