gcc-2.95 and cpuid

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-1 comments, last by Austrian Coder 19 years, 7 months ago
Hi. This little snip compiles fine on a gcc-3.x, but not on a 2.95.

bool cDxr3CPU::Cpuid(unsigned long function, unsigned long& out_eax, unsigned long& out_ebx, unsigned long& out_ecx, unsigned long& out_edx)
	asm("cpuid": "=a" (out_eax), "=b" (out_ebx), "=c" (out_ecx), "=d" (out_edx) : "a" (function));
	return true;
dxr3cpu.c: In method `bool cDxr3CPU::cpuid(long unsigned int, long unsigned int &, long unsigned int &, long unsigned int &, long unsigned int &)': dxr3cpu.c:125: Invalid `asm' statement: dxr3cpu.c:125: fixed or forbidden register 3 (bx) was spilled for class BREG. I hope somebody can help me. Thanks, Christian

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