for reference: Using SDL_ttf with OpenGL

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24 comments, last by AlasdairDeacon 13 years, 2 months ago
Thank you very much. The two things run very well!.
I've been tinkering with Bob Pendleton's SDL_ttf font class and made it support newlines... I also took out a few things that I wasn't using, do forgive... it should be pretty obvious how to mix/match :) [[and I split it into the .h and .cpp, and took out the 'background color', instead using alpha blending, and... not sure what else, TBH, sorry]]

### font.h ###
/** BTW, it is covered by the LGPL  ** Bob Pendleton **//** **/


+ Bob Pendleton: writer and programmer +
+ email: Bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx +
+ blog: +
+ web: +

Edits by Kaolin Fire ( kfire@xxxxxxxx; web: )
now takes into account glyph minx so glyphs can overlap as intended
now takes into account newline character


class Font
static const int minGlyph = ' ';
static const int maxGlyph = 126;

static int initCounter;

typedef struct
int minx, maxx;
int miny, maxy;
int advance;
SDL_Surface *pic;
GLuint tex;
GLfloat texMinX, texMinY;
GLfloat texMaxX, texMaxY;
} glyph;

int height;
int ascent;
int descent;
int lineSkip;
glyph glyphs[maxGlyph + 1];

const char *fontName;
int pointSize;
float fgRed, fgGreen, fgBlue;

TTF_Font *ttfFont;

SDL_Color foreground;

void loadChar(char c);


Font(const char *fontName,
int pointSize,
float fgRed, float fgGreen, float fgBlue);


void initFont();

int getLineSkip();

int getHeight();

void textSize(char *text, SDL_Rect *r);

void drawText(char *text, int x, int y);


#include "font.h"  void Font::loadChar(char c)  {    GLfloat texcoord[4];    char letter[2] = {0, 0};    if ((minGlyph <= c) &&         (c <= maxGlyph) &&        (NULL == glyphs[((int)c)].pic))    {      SDL_Surface *g0 = NULL;      SDL_Surface *g1 = NULL;      letter[0] = c;      TTF_GlyphMetrics(ttfFont,                        (Uint16)c,                        &glyphs[((int)c)].minx,                        &glyphs[((int)c)].maxx,                        &glyphs[((int)c)].miny,                        &glyphs[((int)c)].maxy,                        &glyphs[((int)c)].advance);      g0 = TTF_RenderText_Blended(ttfFont,                                  letter,                                  foreground);      if (NULL != g0)      {        g1 = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(g0);        SDL_FreeSurface(g0);      }      if (NULL != g1)      {        glyphs[((int)c)].pic = g1;        glyphs[((int)c)].tex = SDL_GL_LoadTexture(g1, texcoord);        glyphs[((int)c)].texMinX = texcoord[0];        glyphs[((int)c)].texMinY = texcoord[1];        glyphs[((int)c)].texMaxX = texcoord[2];        glyphs[((int)c)].texMaxY = texcoord[3];      }    }  }  Font::Font(const char *fontName,       int pointSize,       float fgRed, float fgGreen, float fgBlue):    fontName(fontName),    pointSize(pointSize),    fgRed(fgRed), fgGreen(fgGreen), fgBlue(fgBlue),    ttfFont(NULL)  {    if (0 == initCounter)    {      if (TTF_Init() < 0)      {        //TODO :: errorExit("Can't init SDL_ttf");printf("Can't init sdl_ttf !?\n");      }    }    initCounter++;    initFont();  }  Font::~Font()  {    initCounter--;    if (0 == initCounter)    {      TTF_Quit();    }  }  void Font::initFont()  {    int i;    ttfFont = TTF_OpenFont(fontName, pointSize);    if (NULL == ttfFont)    {printf("Can't open font file\n");      //TODO :: errorExit("Can't open font file");    }    foreground.r = (Uint8)(255 * fgRed);    foreground.g  = (Uint8)(255 * fgGreen);    foreground.b = (Uint8)(255 * fgBlue);    height = TTF_FontHeight(ttfFont);    ascent = TTF_FontAscent(ttfFont);    descent = TTF_FontDescent(ttfFont);    lineSkip = TTF_FontLineSkip(ttfFont);    for (i = minGlyph; i <= maxGlyph; i++)    {      glyphs.pic = NULL;      glyphs.tex = 0;    }  }  int Font::getLineSkip()  {    return lineSkip;  }  int Font::getHeight()  {    return height;  }  void Font::textSize(char *text,                 SDL_Rect *r)  {    int maxx = 0;    int advance = 0;    int minx = 0;		int w_largest = 0;		char lastchar = 0;    r->x = 0;    r->y = 0;    r->w = 0;    r->h = height;    while (0 != *text)    {      if ((minGlyph <= *text) && (*text <= maxGlyph))      {				lastchar = *text;				if (*text == '\n') {					r->h += lineSkip;    			r->w = r->w - advance + maxx;					if (r->w > w_largest) w_largest = r->w;					r->w = 0;				} else {        	loadChar(*text);        	maxx = glyphs[((int)*text)].maxx;        	advance = glyphs[((int)*text)].advance;        	r->w += advance;				}      }      text++;    }		if (lastchar != '\n') {    	r->w = r->w - advance + maxx;			if (r->w > w_largest) w_largest = r->w;		} else {			r->h -= lineSkip;		}		if (w_largest > r->w) r->w = w_largest;  }  void Font::drawText(char *text, int x, int y)  {    GLfloat left, right;    GLfloat top, bottom;    GLfloat texMinX, texMinY;    GLfloat texMaxX, texMaxY;    GLfloat minx;    GLfloat baseleft = x;    glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS);    glEnable(GL_BLEND);    glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);    glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);    glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_REPLACE);    while (0 != *text) {			if (*text == '\n') {				x = baseleft;				y += lineSkip;			} else if ((minGlyph <= *text) && (*text <= maxGlyph)) {        loadChar(*text);        texMinX = glyphs[((int)*text)].texMinX;        texMinY = glyphs[((int)*text)].texMinY;        texMaxX = glyphs[((int)*text)].texMaxX;        texMaxY = glyphs[((int)*text)].texMaxY;        minx = glyphs[((int)*text)].minx;        left   = x + minx;        right  = x + glyphs[((int)*text)].pic->w + minx;        top    = y;        bottom = y + glyphs[((int)*text)].pic->h;        glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, glyphs[((int)*text)].tex);        glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);        glTexCoord2f(texMinX, texMinY); glVertex2f( left,    top);        glTexCoord2f(texMaxX, texMinY); glVertex2f(right,    top);        glTexCoord2f(texMinX, texMaxY); glVertex2f( left, bottom);        glTexCoord2f(texMaxX, texMaxY); glVertex2f(right, bottom);        glEnd();        x += glyphs[((int)*text)].advance;      }      text++;    }    glPopAttrib();  }	int Font::initCounter = 0;
i wonder whether this works with uft-8, too?
Sorry for the UP but I want to know how to use this code with Latin specials chars like "é" "ê" "à" ?
@kaolin fire
function Font::textSize is not handling newlines properly.
The first condition in the while loop should be corrected to something like:

if (((minGlyph <= *text) && (*text <= maxGlyph)) || *text == '\n')

instead of

if ((minGlyph <= *text) && (*text <= maxGlyph))

Otherwise '\n' won't be processed.
Thank you, that works instantly! I just called RenderText_Blended and (when I passed it into my gl texture creation function) it just returned a texture all of the colour passed into the TTF function.

Also Koshmaar thanks for the management system, saved me a lot of time :)

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