2D Perlin Noise (gradient noise) range = ?

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42 comments, last by Matthew Doucette 19 years, 4 months ago
I have contacted someone who has implemented Ken Perlin's original code. They promised to take a look. In the meantime, I will try to figure out some of this Java stuff.

Quote:Original post by Dmytry
edit: can somebody tell me why "source" box extends horisontally so much?
Good question; Very annoying. At least it only affects your post and not the whole thread.
Anonymous Poster, above, is myself.

[Edited by - Doucette on December 15, 2004 8:25:10 AM]

Matthew Doucette, Xona Games

For all those interested, I have started a new thread to branch off on the Java compiler/editor issue:

Java compilers/editors (which to use?)

Matthew Doucette, Xona Games

I have branched off on a new thread for discussion of Perlin Noise distribution:

>>> Perlin Noise Distribution <<<

Matthew Doucette, Xona Games

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