List of free libraries

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195 comments, last by dcco 12 years, 11 months ago
This relatively new library and SDK is interesting!
It's a cross-platform GUI toolkit with 2D and 3D graphics, networking, etc.
It also includes a new programming language called eC.
Elegant code and performance are among the goals of the project.
A small collection of little and not so little games is included in the samples.

Ecere SDK

That list is really cool...!!! could anyone please suggest one good networking library for C++?????????
New 2D game engine Vortex2D.NET!


Vortex2D.NET is hardware accelerated 2D game engine. It is mainly focused on rapid development of casual games. Its API is very easy for beginners and powerful for professionals. It uses pixel and vertex shaders to provide amazing runtime effects. Target OS: Windows XP and later. Primary programming languages: C#, C++/CLI, VB.NET
how about bullet physics?

and not so much being a library, but an XML schema:

we added its functionality to our engine, because blender and others innately provide the functionality to export to the collada scheme, which offers a standardized export from different 3d modelling programs, and delivers all properties you could wish for.
Check out the Kowalski project for a highly portable, lightweight and data driven audio engine for games and other interactive applications. The engine is written in C and released under the permissive zlib license.
For Game UI needs, take a look at OtterUI - it's a free for non-commercial use UI solution. It features a standalone UI Layout and Animation editor as well as a minimal C/C++ API with precompiled libs for iOS, Android, PC, as well as a Unity Plugin (PC, MacOS, and iOS).

The Library is a cross-platform and engine-agnostic UI library, meaning you can build your UI once and easily port it to different platforms and engines - it doesn't "lock" you into any particular engine, platform or technology :)
This list is really good and as I march onwards checking out different libraries I shall be sure to us this.

One thing, I'd like to point out, your links to hxRender are broken and I actually can't find any other downloads for it on the internet. Does anyone know where I could find it and/or find another library that is SDL compatible and can rotate images in real time at a reasonable speed? I'm not expecting to actually rotate images in real time since most of the things I plan on rotating probably have few enough frames so that they can simply be cached, but it would be nice to have this capability just in case.

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