how to represent a tic tac toe tree in c++

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7 comments, last by GBGames 19 years, 4 months ago
hi, i want to know how to represent a tic tac toe tree in c++ also tell me how to write a tic tac toe game.
Not tic-tac-toe AGAIN

ok then. you can search gdnet to find everywhichweay to do this.

But to answer your question...

What you have is a struct which contains:
an array of 9 elements which are all pointers of type struct_name
you have the board state (an array of 9 ints)
And an int which signifies if this is an end state

Now how to do tic-tac-toe, ther are heaps of ways, from minimax with alphabeta, to simple rules, to a learning system.

Nice coder
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It has come to my attention that tic tac toe is a common introduction to programming assignment at some schools.
I noticed an increase in tic-tac-toe questions since the competition at that is giving away Visual Studio .NET to the winner.
... and that making a tic-tac-toe is given as a suggestion in the forum faq. I guess we'll have to cope with these question - of course, if they come from the newgameprojects compettion, then I suggest their author to put them on the corresponding NGP forum.

It is not that bad - and perhaps someone will have the good idea to write a complete article on the possible tic tac toe algorithms.

If you're new to programming, tic-tac-toe has enough programming elements to be very helpful. Here's an implementation that I tried. But as the other's suggested, there's lots of ways to go about this. If you don't get bored with the game, trying the same thing multiple ways is a nice learning tool. Have fun.
My website
I'm using Tic-Tac-Toe to relearn a programming language that I've been away from for way too long. B-)
-------------------------GBGames' Blog: An Indie Game Developer's Somewhat Interesting ThoughtsStaff Reviewer for Game Tunnel
GBGames: Any chance that the language in question is QuickBasic?

Chris 'coldacid' Charabaruk – Programmer, game designer, writer | twitter

No, it's C++. But thanks for remembering. B-) You can still find my Qbasic site at http;// in case you haven't seen my posts on and
-------------------------GBGames' Blog: An Indie Game Developer's Somewhat Interesting ThoughtsStaff Reviewer for Game Tunnel

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