Movies about programming?

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36 comments, last by flukus 19 years, 4 months ago
Quote:Original post by Ainokea
And as always hollywood is always correct.

See my previous post.

If you don't know how code breaking is done (in Hollywood, khm...), watch that Naked Gun movie.
"Literally, it means that Bob is everything you can think of, but not dead; i.e., Bob is a purple-spotted, yellow-striped bumblebee/dragon/pterodactyl hybrid with a voracious addiction to Twix candy bars, but not dead."- kSquared
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
Just saw Pirates of Silicon Valley.
It was pretty interesting, I would recommend it.
These are the ones in my collection:

-Hackers 2 (I don't think this was released in the US. I got it from a friend. It is about the life of Kevin Mitnick before he was caught. Very interesting)
-Anti Trust
-Pirates of Silicon Valley
-Triumph of the Nerds
-The Video Game Revolution
-Revolution OS (this is a documentary (albeit a very baised documentary) about Linux. You can get it on ThinkGeek)

Other technology-esque/geeky flicks I have:


I'm sure there are a couple others. And even though I don't own it (and I would say that people should NOT own it), I think every developer should at least watch "The Net" with Sandra Bullock, to at least have things to laugh at your entire career.

Another one that I desperately want to see but haven't yet is "Once upon Atari" which is available on DVD from ThinkGeek. It is about the rise and fall of the Atari brand.

Although I must say that I prefer some of my books instead:

-Masters of Doom
-Snow Crash
-The Diamond Age
-The Difference Engine

and on and so forth...
Jason Olson - Software Developer[ Managed World ]
Quote:Original post by Tha_HoodRat

Ah yes, Pi, more like progrhammering at some point, but good, weird movie noneless.

Everything is better with Metal.

Quote:Original post by kSquared
Hmmm, let's see. What has Hollywood taught us about programmers and computers?
And lest we forget the classic from Independence Day, vastly superior alien technology:
1. is obviously binary
2. is fully compatible with the Macintosh
3. lacks security of any kind
4. is easily understood by humans (who speak English)

Yeah, Hollywood + computers = implausibilies abound
______________________________"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains" - J.J. Rousseau
I just watched Anti-trust and I now I think I have seen the most hilarious movie ever, it is so obviously about Microsoft.

EDIT: Its every geeks dream for that to happen.
______________________________________________________________________________________With the flesh of a cow.
Quote:Original post by Ainokea
I just watched Anti-trust and I now I think I have seen the most hilarious movie ever, it is so obviously about Microsoft.

EDIT: Its every geeks dream for that to happen.

I love the line near the start where the billionaire guy says something like "mines much more advacned than bill gates", just to try to seperate it a bit.

Is hackers the doco about the guy that created the wank virus?

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