Game Developing Penpals

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-1 comments, last by TroneX 19 years, 3 months ago
Hi folks, my girlfriend recently came up with the idea of seeking penpals so that we could exchange ideas and thoughts with people from all around the world. As however, she posted some ads on penpal sites and now she's got dozens of requests from boys from everywhere. Girls... I was thinking about what kind of interest, ideas and thoughts I would like to share with other people and instantly thought about game development. ;-) Our most current title is released today in Germany, Austria and Switch, but I don't have time left at the moment for development though. But I love talking about it. Also, I thought, there must be other people who are interested in a real penpalship about this topic (not necessarily meaning that this should be the only topic...). Even here. Well ... especially here. So, if anyone is interested, drop me a mail. ;-) Yours, T.

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