The Future of OpenGL

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42 comments, last by zedzeek 19 years ago
Hey , Today at work I was showing one of my coworkers a picture of spherical harmonics renderings, its on this page now it has for boxes, one of them said Opengl although the bottom two are also rendered with opengl hear me out, I was showing it to him and he said "yeah the opengl one looks bad , opengl is too old". I didnt bother explaining to him that the bottom two are also rendered using opengl. My question is, What does this say about opengl?, He claims to be an avid gamer and stuff like that but that makes me wonder what new programmers and users alike are thinking about OpenGL, Maybe OpenGL need to be better exposed to the public like DirectX seems to be ATM. Im not sure what to conclude about this, I will continue to program in using OpenGL but i am concerned about the future of our beloved API. Any thoughts or comments are appreciated? What is your vision of the future of OpenGL?
i c teh code.
Well opengl works fine for me. Doom 3 was made in openGl and it looks great. All i no is that im gonna stick with openGL because it fun to program in. Also the ppl making openGL will probably continue to make it better ne ways.

The hardware manafacturers use the DirectX versions to show their capabilities, although OpenGL has the same functionalities through extensions. Just wait 'till OGL2.0 rocks the mainstream gaming world.. OGL2.0 hardware.
Sounds to me he is totally oblivious of what OpenGL really is and somehow (maybe) puts an equal sign between IDSoftware and OpenGL and then compares that with FarCry. Tell him that OpenGL usually have the latest pieces of technology long before it is even in DirectX, sometimes by many months. You can also tell him that OpenGL is typically between 1.7-2 times faster than DirectX for the same jobs (stats can be found at ATI in one of their joint nVidia/ATI speech slides)

I prefer DirectX myself but only because I haven't bothered with OpenGL yet. I am *not* saying either is better than the other except that GL is typically a bit faster.

Please, don't make this a flamewar guys.

No no no no! :)

[Edited by - rebelcoder on May 25, 2006 3:07:54 PM]
i c teh code.
The future of OpenGL looks to me to be pretty stable. I'm sorry, but your friend doesn't know too much what he's talking about. His only excuse is that microsoft doesn't support OGL. Either way, OpenGL DOES advance faster than DirectX by use of extensions, and it usually(in my opinion) works easier and better. It also tends to be faster. Also, I think newer video card's support for OGL is better, though the last statement comes from what I have seen and heard in this forum. In any case, OpenGL, atleast for a while is here to stay.

Quote:Original post by Pipo DeClownJust wait 'till OGL2.0 rocks the mainstream gaming world.. OGL2.0 hardware.

Hahahahahahahahaha [lol]

I said the same thing 3 years ago.

OpenGL 2.0 didn't change a damned thing, frankly.
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if 3DLabs's orignal spec and ideas had been followed then it would have been a big deal, but the final release, while having some nice features, was reduced from its orignal all singing all dancing form to what is pretty much another spec update, which is a shame coz it had so much potential.

As for the orignal question, opengl's future is probably going to be much like it is now, updates and features added as they are needed. OpenGL wont go away because its used alot if things such as CAD work and in alot of acidemic work. Its also the only system for linux and Macs. The IHV's like it as it gives them a chance to show off new features without waiting for MS to update things. Also, with Sony picking OpenGL|ES for the PS3 that gives it some more strenght.

As for your friend, he's a moron and you can tell 'im I said so if you like [grin]
Why do I say this? Because both OpenGL and D3D can produce the same output on the same graphics cards, even more so with shaders where as before you might have been at teh mercy of a slightly different lighting equation being used in the fixed function pipeline.
Yeah your friend is a moron... OpenGL is going nowhere as long as people want it/support it
Quote:Original post by rebelcoder
I will continue to program in using OpenGL but i am concerned about the future of our beloved API.

Don't be. GL is extending into every platform out there included mobile phones and the next generation of the Playstation.
However, D3D is a serious competition to GL. I hope more game developers switch to it, like the boys at Valve.
an open source GLU replacement library. Much more modern than GLU.
float matrix[16], inverse_matrix[16];
glhTranslatef2(matrix, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0);
glhRotateAboutXf2(matrix, angleInRadians);
glhScalef2(matrix, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0);
glhQuickInvertMatrixf2(matrix, inverse_matrix);
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation1, 1, FALSE, matrix);
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation2, 1, FALSE, inverse_matrix);

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