C - Typedef and function pointers

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24 comments, last by Emmanuel Deloget 18 years, 2 months ago
Cool, thanks guys.
Quote:Original post by SiCrane
Then choose a different example to pick on.

Chill out man, i'm not picking on you.

"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man
Quote:Original post by LessBread
Quote:Original post by SiCrane
Then choose a different example to pick on.

Chill out man, i'm not picking on you.

No, but you're picking on the example/habbit, which is all he said you were doing :).

And you're both wrong. Anything you do in C (using or not using ampersands) cannot be considered a good programming habit, because you're doing it in C, which is a bad habit in and of itself :-p.
If there was a better all-purpose language out there people would be using it. ^^
Quote:Original post by I_Smell_Tuna
If there was a better all-purpose language out there people would be using it. ^^

Surfed the internet lately?
Quote:Original post by I_Smell_Tuna
If there was a better all-purpose language out there people would be using it. ^^

And they are.

If you take a look at the SourceForge.net Software Map....

C ranks 3rd (16485 projects)
C++ ranks 2nd (17440 projects)
Java ranks 1st (17662 projects)

In terms of number of projects developed using that language.

My comment (C = Bad Habit) was in jest since C has a few good uses (it's ABI for APIs, OS level work, and esoteric platform support come to mind) but when you start implying C is the best all-purpouse language, I have to disagree, and feel like supplying at least some anecdotal evidence to the contrary (i.e. which is the most used). I do think C (and C++) are overused, mainly out of habit/familiarity, which was what I was getting at with my original, overstated stab against C. I'm too lazy to form an opinion on Java, although I suspect I'd decide it was overused as well.
Since we're debating syntax choices, I actually prefer this syntax:

typedef void Function(void);

void some_function(void);

Function* func = &some_function;

Not a huge deal, but this feels a bit cleaner to me. The typedef isn't as hard to read and there's no need to use hungarian notation since it's obvious that it's a pointer.

Just my 2 cents.

- John
for a function with no input you use a 32 bit pointer
such as
void somefunct(void);
void *functptr=somefunct;

but if you need to use input and returns then you must make room for the extra memory needed

int somefunct(int x, char y, float z);
int (*functptr)(int,char,float)=somefunct;

it makes space for 17 bytes = sizeof(int)+sizeof((void *))+sizeof(int)+sizeof(char)+sizeof(float)

typedef struct STUFFSTRUCT{
int (*somefunct)(int,char,float);

STUFFSTRUCT *stuffptr;

int myint=stuffptr->somefunct(1,*"a",3.0f);

Quote:Original post by Anonymous Poster
for a function with no input you use a 32 bit pointer
such as
void somefunct(void);
void *functptr=somefunct;

but if you need to use input and returns then you must make room for the extra memory needed

int somefunct(int x, char y, float z);
int (*functptr)(int,char,float)=somefunct;

it makes space for 17 bytes = sizeof(int)+sizeof((void *))+sizeof(int)+sizeof(char)+sizeof(float)

typedef struct STUFFSTRUCT{
int (*somefunct)(int,char,float);

STUFFSTRUCT *stuffptr;

int myint=stuffptr->somefunct(1,*"a",3.0f);

Huh? You're wrong on just about every point there.

A pointer to a function is typically the same size as the address size of the system, i.e. 32 bits of a 32-bit architecture. This does not change regardless of the arguments and return type of the function (but will change if you're talking C++ and pointers to members).

If you have a function with no parameters and no return type then you use a pointer to a function taking no parameters and returning void, not a void *. You should only really use void * if you need to be able to store arbitrary types in C.

And *"a" is really poor style. ever heard of 'a'?

all must bow down and worship the mastermind, for he is the chosen one!
always correct, always right, always so full of himself

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