Active Dave Project Cancer

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8 comments, last by Raduprv 18 years, 1 month ago
It was requested that I should move this link into the Lounge. Direct your attention to: Thank you for your Time! -Dave
We played for a Relay for Life (or two?) a few years ago. It's a good event, and quite worthy of a donation (and if you're feeling extra generous, consider the American Heart Association as well).
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
I'm pretty excited about this event, it'll be my first time. I used to donate to the American Heart Association while I was in the Corps, along with the Breast Cancer Foundation and the American Wildlife Association. It worked out rather well and I'm happy that I did. =D

Take Care All
I hate sounding like an asshole, but we (me and my wife) paid a LOT of taxes for the last year, and we'll pay a lot this year again. You know, nearly 30% of our income.

Rather than donating a few hundread USD, which won't make much of a difference, better fight to change the legislation so that our tax money would go on some useful things, for a change, such as medical research.
I've seen how the government spends money. If I'm going to donate to a charity, I am going to do so directly.

Which is why it is people's duty to stop the inneficient use of money by the government, and demand better, more efficient ways to spend it.
I hate to sound like a complete asshole, but I'm sick of watching commercials or hearing about conditions like Cancer when there are so many others. It's nice that people have a heart to help out, but this has been an on going battle with endless money thrown at it. It would be nice for a change to hear about someone throwing some money at a lesser known diseases and conditions. (I say this because I don't have Cancer, more so I have a lesser known condition Emery Driefuss MD and hearing nothing about it leaves me with a lot of false hope.)
I certainly respect all of your point of views.

Unfortunatly, I have had family members with cancer that didn't live through it, and I have had friends tell me about their stories about their family members that lived through some horrible cancer and is now cancer "free".

I have enough faith to believe that if it wasn't for open hearted individuals and foundations like this, some of these survivor stories would just not exist. Cancer is a huge effort and having a responsible foundation to have the leadership to spread the donations through, it would just be a pure mess.

Again, You are freely to choose to donate to causes like this or other causes that are more important too you, but I sure do appreciate you atleast taking the time to think about it. Every little bit truely does count and if your concerned about taxes, you can write donations off.

Thank You All

Quote:Original post by Raduprv
Which is why it is people's duty to stop the inneficient use of money by the government, and demand better, more efficient ways to spend it.

Clearly. But in the mean time, there's no reason to utilize the broken system when there are more efficient systems alread in place. Once the broken system is fixed, then I'll let it handle my money. Not before.

The problem is, it already handles your money. The idea is for people to lobby the government to use the money better, for the common good.
Imagine what progress could be done if the cancer research would get 1% of the 'defense' budget. that would be like what, 15 million/day?

Besides, it is not necesary for the government itself to do the research, they could contract a firm to do that, with the condition that any discoveries would be made public.

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