Gossip Engine

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6 comments, last by minerjr 23 years, 3 months ago
Hello, I am currently working on a Gossip engine for my next RPG. This engine will allow NPC''s to walk around a world and when they run into each other, IE meet each other, they will either do an event together or tell each other a piece of gossip. If they do something together then they can add the new event that they did to thier gossip. It looks really cool. So far my program allows me to add NPC''s and they will do things together. I was wondering if anyone has ever tried to do anything like this before. I am learning how to do this from my tutor. He lent me a movie he recorded that had Chris Crawford explaining his ideas. My tutor is the local community collage computer professor. He lent me the movie and we started to work on it in C++, to give me practice for linked lists, pointers, classes, etc. Then we''ll get into path finding. I hope I can either make a 2d or a 3d game based on this gossip engine. Or i could even try to add it to Unreal Tournament or another game engine like that. It would be interesting to see it work in a game. I would really add to a game. I will be adding a copy of what I have done so far this week on my home page. Thx for any responses. Minerjr
I don''t understand what the advantage of having NPCs adding gossip to their list of gossip. Do they exchange gossip? Does the player ask the NPC for gossip? Does the NPC give out gossip freely?

Yes they can. Also if a NPC gives another NPC bad news then the NPC who recieved the bad news can like the person who gave the news less. This allows the player also to see what NPC''s are talking about. Say a bouble window pops up and shows that two NPC''s are telling each other gossip. You to learn about events by listing to other NPC''s conversation or you could try to talk to them and they will tell you some gossip. This engine is about NPC''s sharing information depending on how juicy the gossip is. It is kinda fun to watch it work.

The gossip engine allows the NPC''s to be alive. They will do things based on who they are or will create rutines that they do every day. Like goto the store. And on the way to the store the NPC might meet another NPC. Now there is a chance that they will talk to each other, or they could do something together or just do nothing. Then after that is done then the NPC can go on its way and then they might meet another person on the way to the store. This will be happening all through out the world. And everytime you start a new game the game is different. Different people could like different people and people could hate others. It really adds to the game.

I hope this answers your questions.

I assume he''s doing it to make the world seem more alive. After all, NPCs shouldn''t simply stand around like lobotimized vegetables. Sounds like a great idea to me.

~CGameProgrammer( );

~CGameProgrammer( );Developer Image Exchange -- New Features: Upload screenshots of your games (size is unlimited) and upload the game itself (up to 10MB). Free. No registration needed.
That''s pretty sweet.

Two more questions. Upon initiation of the world, does each NPC have its own settings, such as where it goes in its daily routine? Or does it start with nothing and randomly picks something, and eventually does a daily routine that is more advantageous to it than another daily routine?

Also, it would be cool to watch this, I think. Do you have demos available to download?

Very cool.....i can see so much stuff that could benefit from that...

This was the first thing to pop into my head:

PLayer walks into a courtroom or meeting hall and hears a conversation between a number of NPCs about something that is wrong. THe conversation could drift from topic to topic, and it would seem really really cool, and realistic. I would spend a while just watching the conversations between the npcs.

Maybe if it was implemented that whenever you got near them, you would get in the middle of the conversation....i dont know what else to do, but it sure sounds really cool

Neo-Toshi - The City That Never Sleeps
This is a really cool idea. I suppose you could also set a strength to the gossip so that it would take a varying time to die off as a topic of interest. Going off and having a picnic might not last as long as the death of an NPC.

How would NPC''s learn to talk about new events? I''m thinking you would have a few text strings that described the event in the event structure, and it would pass these text strings to the NPC''s. Then the NPC''s would fill in a string with these values in order to converse over the new idea.

I like it!

Yes there is a factor for the gossip. There is a juicyness factor for the gossip. It is based on what kind of event it was, if the NPC knows the person, how old it is and other things.

When two NPC's do something together then new gossip is added to thier list of gossip. Then they are free to tell other NPC's the new gossip.

Also what it works like is that the game automatically runs for a while and builds up some relationships. Then the game becomes random. This will happen before a new game. So when you start a new game it will be completly different.


Edited by - minerjr on January 30, 2001 11:04:23 PM

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