Comparing Scheme and (Common) Lisp

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0 comments, last by Trap 18 years, 1 month ago
could one semi-accurately compare Scheme to Lisp in the same way you could C to C++? as in Scheme is a subset of Lisp, the same way (more or less) C is subset of C++, well functionally anyway.

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No, Scheme to Common Lisp is more like Pascal to C++ (not really Pascal, but Pascal is the best example I could come up with).

Scheme is no subset, it has some features Common Lisp doesn't provide, like call/cc and mandatory tail call optimization. Common Lisp has a big standard library, Scheme has not (good implementations have something similar, but unportable).

Common Lisp has CLOS, IMO one of the best object systems.

Then there is the lisp-1 (Scheme) vs lisp-2 (Common Lisp) difference.
(let ((list 1))  (list list list)) ;; works in Common Lisp (returns (1 1)), but not in Scheme

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