Which console is the best?

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38 comments, last by Kylotan 17 years, 5 months ago
Yesterday i was arquing with my friend about which console will deliver the best games, meaning best graphics, ai, etc. We focused mostly on the 360 and ps3 because the wii is undoubtedly the least powerfull one. I dont know mutch about these consoles ( only what i have read) but i have come to the conclusion that ultimately 360 will be the better one. I wrote this post here because i wanted to get a real developers opinion and there is no General discussion here. My reason for picking 360 are: The memory it has is unified 512 which allows developers more freedom. The ps3 has 512 split in 2 memory pools. The 360 has a better gpu. The gpu ps3 has is a tweaked version of the g70 while the gpu in 360 uses new technology and seems to be better in everyway. The one advantage ps3 has is the cell, but from what i have read the cell is only better in theory, and it seems to be a real bitch to program. Also the 360 seems to have the advantage when it comes to a.i because of 3 general purpose cores, against ps3 1 general and 6 spe:s. Like i sayed i know very little about these consoles and my opinions are reflected from what i have read other people saying. Can somebody who knows give their opinion about the matter?
From direct experience:

If you are co-developing 360 & PS3 titles, the 360 will generally look better.
If you are single-platform developing the PS3 will generally look better.

Basically the PS3 is the more "powerful" of the consoles. However, because of it's arcane architecture you only really push the system if you specifically develop your whole architecture around the cells: MGS for instance breaks up their development team into one cells for each of the cell processors.

At the end of the day, the systems are pretty darn close. 360 is easier to develop for but with a little less power, PS3 is harder to develop for but with a little more power.

Arguing as you are about "better/worse" is a useless argument because that's opinion.

What's going to win the battle of the market is which system has the most "must-have" games. But again that's opinion as well. Personally I am more excited about Zelda and the new Mario than I am about anything that the 360 or PS3 have to offer.

I think the main concern, if you've got the cash to even buy a console development liscence, is which console has the bigger fan base. Look at some statistics about how many people buy each, and how the proportion to how many buy PS games rather than XBOX games. Whichever one has more buyers is the one you'll probably be doing better with, because you'll be making more cash.

There's no "final" answer to this, there probably never will be.
We should do this the Microsoft way: "WAHOOOO!!! IT COMPILES! SHIP IT!"
Quote:Original post by Palidine
From direct experience:

If you are co-developing 360 & PS3 titles, the 360 will generally look better.
If you are single-platform developing the PS3 will generally look better.

Basically the PS3 is the more "powerful" of the consoles. However, because of it's arcane architecture you only really push the system if you specifically develop your whole architecture around the cells: MGS for instance breaks up their development team into one cells for each of the cell processors.

At the end of the day, the systems are pretty darn close. 360 is easier to develop for but with a little less power, PS3 is harder to develop for but with a little more power.

Arguing as you are about "better/worse" is a useless argument because that's opinion.

What's going to win the battle of the market is which system has the most "must-have" games. But again that's opinion as well. Personally I am more excited about Zelda and the new Mario than I am about anything that the 360 or PS3 have to offer.


But didnt the ps2 also have more theoretical power than xbox, but the xbox ultimately was the more powerfull one. I mean ok the cell is better, but what about the gpu or the memory?

I think the console with the best graphics will be the PS3, when the developers figure out how to utilize all available resources within the system, the results should be amazing.

However, I think the most fun console is the Wii, simply because the PS3 doesn't have the benefit of having series like Mario, Zelda, Super Smash Bros, etc, which don't need super graphics to be more fun than most other next-gen games.
There is a general discussion forum, it is the GDNet Lounge.

Quote:Yesterday i was arquing with my friend about which console will deliver the best games, meaning best graphics, ai, etc.

Are you looking for the best games, or the best graphics/ai/etc. Do you realize that these are two different things?

Best games
XBox360 has a year of great games already on the shelf. Wii has (arguably) had the best launch lineup Nintendo has ever had, the PS3... well, it's a bit disappointing so far (especially for the steep price tag).

Best graphics
The PS3 has a terrible shading pipeline that bottlenecks the graphics. If the game is designed specifically for PS3 it can get around this and look gorgeous, but as soon as you cross-platform develop you will see a bigger difference in the X360. If nothing else, developing for PS3 might end up making the X360 versions look worse than if they were X360 only!

Best AI
What? This is entirely dependent on the game. I get the feeling you have little/no experience in game technologies, so the best way to answer this is that gameplay code is only a fraction of the processing power that a system has. Back in the days of 16-32 bit we had to worry about the processing costs of these things, but at this point as long as you aren't wasteful your AI and gameplay code won't put a dent in your processing power. (Physics, on the other hand, will).

I hope this answers some of your questions, and don't forget that just because the Wii is weaker technically that doesn't make it any "worse" for games... if nothing else the extra input options make it more likely to have better games!

Check out my new game Smash and Dash at:


Quote:Original post by JBourrie
There is a general discussion forum, it is the GDNet Lounge.

Quote:Yesterday i was arquing with my friend about which console will deliver the best games, meaning best graphics, ai, etc.

Are you looking for the best games, or the best graphics/ai/etc. Do you realize that these are two different things?

Best games
XBox360 has a year of great games already on the shelf. Wii has (arguably) had the best launch lineup Nintendo has ever had, the PS3... well, it's a bit disappointing so far (especially for the steep price tag).

Best graphics
The PS3 has a terrible shading pipeline that bottlenecks the graphics. If the game is designed specifically for PS3 it can get around this and look gorgeous, but as soon as you cross-platform develop you will see a bigger difference in the X360. If nothing else, developing for PS3 might end up making the X360 versions look worse than if they were X360 only!

Best AI
What? This is entirely dependent on the game. I get the feeling you have little/no experience in game technologies, so the best way to answer this is that gameplay code is only a fraction of the processing power that a system has. Back in the days of 16-32 bit we had to worry about the processing costs of these things, but at this point as long as you aren't wasteful your AI and gameplay code won't put a dent in your processing power. (Physics, on the other hand, will).

I hope this answers some of your questions, and don't forget that just because the Wii is weaker technically that doesn't make it any "worse" for games... if nothing else the extra input options make it more likely to have better games!

I should have sayed, we were arquing which one will the most powerfull. You are right i know very little about this matter, only what i have read and thats why i wanted the opinion of somebody that knows. I have always thought that gpu and memory are just as important as the processor. From what i can tell the 360 has more memory and its unified. The gpu is also better because it uses some sort of new technology: unified shader thing or something and has that 10mb of edram on daughter die or something :). Like i sayed i only know what i have read and i hope somebody can explain to my why the other one is more powerfull.

Sorry, couldn't resist [smile].

I think the battle is pretty even so far, but it's hard to tell yet, I must admit, everyday there are more XBox360 exclusive games I'd like to play, in particular Mass Effect and Alan Wake (Yes I know its for Vista too, but I don't know when/if I am going to upgrade to it yet).
Quote:Original post by Kwizatz

Sorry, couldn't resist [smile].

I think the battle is pretty even so far, but it's hard to tell yet, I must admit, everyday there are more XBox360 exclusive games I'd like to play, in particular Mass Effect and Alan Wake (Yes I know its for Vista too, but I don't know when/if I am going to upgrade to it yet).

The game i am waiting for is Bioshock. From the makers of System Shock 2.

As far as graphics, Gamespot did a comparison.
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