Video game programming Courses in Canada

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-1 comments, last by RP4K 17 years, 1 month ago
Learning a language is easier when you start young. And programming is no different! Real Programming 4 Kids offers video game programming camps in Toronto, Oakville, Breslau and Calgary. There are summer camps and school season classes available. We teach kids and teens between ages 9 and 17, with never more than 4 students to an instructor, ensuring that the topics are absorbed by the student. We teach Visual Basic, Java and C++, Direct X and even OpenGL. We teach programming using game projects - Pacman to RPG and RTS games! REAL PROGRAMMING without using "canned" game making software. FREE TRIAL CLASS for all new students. FREE VISUAL STUDIO.NET 2005 PROFESSIONAL, COURTESY OF MSDNAA Visit for more details or call us, toll free, @ 1-877-307-3456 Sincerely, Elliott Bay M.Sc. (Mathematics) President, Real Programming 4 Kids Toronto, Oakville, Breslau, Calgary

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