Unsure I can fully carry on with this workshop

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42 comments, last by daviangel 16 years, 9 months ago
Cheers is right!
Well, I just wanted to express my feelings really fast.

I must say as a C++ programmer already I do see how some beginners could be getting washed up in the technical jargon the Specification is throwing around. Now the thing is though how do you work through all of it? Well, when I found my self a little confused by the text I would actually go back to where I started to get lost and work through it like I do a math problem. Taking one step at a time. Once I realized that I finally understood what was going on I would read on and then repeat. Then, after about 20 minutes of reading I would take a break. Why is this? Because your brain can only handle a certain amount of information at a time before it will basically automatically turn it's self off and when that happens you will be getting a lot more confused then you think you really are. Then when that happens it is VERY hard to catch back up where you are. Trust me, this happened to me when I was learning C++ for the very first time. I read all the way to the confusing pointers on the first day and guess what...I go so lost after pointers and I only thought I understood them. A week later I went back and re read the entire chapters I read already. Also, like others have said, do NOT be afraid to ask questions. That is why we are here. Their are NO such things as a stupid question when you are confused. It is only stupid if you just ignore that and don't go back to it. Because trust me, in programming you really do not want to skip anything, as the most little thing could mean a lot later on down the road of experience.

So basically just sit back, relax, get yourself a nice cold drink (I am not condoning drinking alcohol, just something cold in general) and learn. Then relax, take a deep breath, have fun and then start learning again.

PS: I for one can not wait for the exercises. That will really tell me if I understand what is going on.


Quote:Original post by Daerax
All hidden participating students should cease lurking and interact, creating a community will make it easier to post and keep the project going.

I'm definately still active, just on vacation away from home. I'm limited to using my phone for internet 95% of the time for another week or so.

With 400 some people signed up it seems there should be much more activity. I'm sure it will pick up when the exercises begin. I've been eagerly awaiting them.
Quote:Original post by TheTroll
Next I feel the language specification is the right way to go. Yes it is not an easy read at times, but unlike books or tutorials you are not getting the author's slant on what is important, you are getting the whole language.
Next we can not find a learning resource that will fit all people. What is a good recourse for me is a terrible one for someone else. We all learn in different ways. So each student needs to find the resources that will help them learn. The spec is a framework to make sure you are learning what you need to learn, it is not the only way to learn it.

I agree. The specification documentation is complete and to the point at the expense of easy reading. I was skeptical at first, but after reading a few chapters I found it to be reasonable.

For anything I find confusing in the specs I have found the combination of the Q&A in the forums and the MSDN library helpful. Some of the resources posted in previous posts look very helpful too.

Quote:Original post by JWalsh
I am not ending the C# Workshop.
Everyone learns differently, which is why a workshop of 400+ people is difficult to balance. But as long as everyone is patient, and participates to the best of their ability - asking questions when they are confused - voicing their concerns, etc...we'll finish the 12 weeks, and when we're done hopefully everyone gained knowledge well enough they feel this free workshop was worth their time.

WOOT! Keep up the good work, it's much appreciated.
-Brandon Blog | Journal
Quote:Original post by ByteJuggler
Without wanting to send you to more material that confuse, may I suggest you have a scan through the relevant section of this freely availalbe online book ".Net book Zero", available here: http://www.charlespetzold.com/dotnet/

Aside: It says it's intended for C & C++ programmers, but really, the writing is relatively easygoing, so I think it should even suit many virtual beginners, so have a look and post back. Hopefully it will help as a suplementary text.

Yup! I also highly recommend this free book since it's even better than most of Petzold's expensive printed books which are usually dry,boring and overly technical.
He is pretty much giving away an updated version of his "Key in C#" book which I bought and read a while back. It was the first C# book I've read that give a good overview of when you need to cast from one type to another and hammers away at the fact that everything in C# is derived from object.
[size="2"]Don't talk about writing games, don't write design docs, don't spend your time on web boards. Sit in your house write 20 games when you complete them you will either want to do it the rest of your life or not * Andre Lamothe

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