Recommendation: pyglet library for Python

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23 comments, last by Kylotan 16 years, 3 months ago
Quote:Original post by dbaumgart
You've pretty much already got me sold but I'm going to specifically not use Pyglet until I'm ready to build my next game, otherwise I'd be forced to re-do my whole engine in it and drive myself crazy again.

Wise choice.

By the way, I've been enjoying your journal very much!
Quote:Original post by treeform


Has far more features then pyglet.

Panda3D is quite impressive, but it's not really comparing like-with-like - you could also be comparing Python-Ogre, for example. It looks good for 3D work though. Bit of a shame the license is a bit odd, however.
Sounds cool. I'll probably move my PyGame experiments with steering behaviours over to Pyglet over the holiday.

I'm actually quite glad low-level OpenGl is part of the equation - means I can use all my existing OpenGL stuff, once I've applied a little boost.python magic fairy dust.
The problem with OpenGL and libraries that use it is that if you don't have working hardware acceleration, you're out of luck. The bouncing ball example runs at a whopping 4FPS here using software rendering (Linux/Mesa). If you're making a simple 2d game, consider that some people play 2d games *because* they don't require special hardware / drivers.

Well, it's definitely a choice people will have to consciously make. What's important to me at this stage is that with the hardware now commonly available for 10 years, we should be able to take advantage of it easily.
Quote:Original post by Barius
The problem with OpenGL and libraries that use it is that if you don't have working hardware acceleration, you're out of luck. The bouncing ball example runs at a whopping 4FPS here using software rendering (Linux/Mesa). If you're making a simple 2d game, consider that some people play 2d games *because* they don't require special hardware / drivers.

Even the lousy intergrated intel chipsets have enough oomph to push around a few textured quads, and will have drivers preinstalled. If you can't be bothered to install suitable drivers for your own linux box thats your own problem.
I currently have your logo bouncing around a screenshot from your demos on your site with alpha blending working, this python stuff is fun! I call it KYLO_BALL! ;)


"Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile"

"Life is short, [the] craft long, opportunity fleeting, experiment treacherous, judgement difficult."

finally got around to checking this out, but lack of joystick support kind of killed it for me, which is too bad as I'm still looking for a cross-platform game library that supports joysticks and rumble among other needs.
Apparently you can use the input handling from Pygame and stick with Pyglet's rendering and everything else if you want. Not ideal though, I admit. :)
Yeah, I've been interested in the number of creation libraries/engines/tools using scripting languages. Some to check out.

Pycap (tuxcap on linux) for the Popcap Framework
Fenix (uses its own language)
Novashell/Agen (both use Lua and both early in development, Agen more so)

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