Python text based adventure

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4 comments, last by eaane74 16 years, 3 months ago
Recently i have been learning python. And now I'm working on this small text based game. It would most likely fall into the category of casual games. It is designed for people who just want to play a fun game in their spare time, and who don't want to spend much time playing but still want to have fun. When you open it you have to create a new character and you set your attributes(strength, health points, defense, and tactics)you have 35 attribute points and you can have up to 10 in any attribute(you also start out with 100 gold). When you purchase food, weapons or armor your attributes are increased, and when you battle your attributes are decreased. For every monster you kill you receive gold which you can buy other armors, foods and weapons with. The world has 5 areas at the moment and they are North, East, West, South and the center.(which is the main city and starting point)In each of these places you can do different things. For instance, in the north you can buy fish, spears and harpoons. In the east you can buy armors and swords. In the west you can buy bows and arrows and train your archery skill to increase tactics and in the south you can purchase foods and armors. When i get a little farther(about 300 lines of code, currently about 150 lines) i will post part of the source(or if i have any troubles i will post the part that is causing it).

Welcome to the forums. It makes me happy when a beginner chooses to learn Python, and even happier when the first project is something sensible (rather than immediately diving straight into PyGame or Panda3D with no sense of the language). I'm not quite a beginner anymore but I'm also working on a text-based game. If you ever have questions, Python related posts are a welcome change from all the C++ voodoo.

Well in a few days i will post a link to the download page on my website if anyone wants to check it out...
well i finished it, but its not really that great so i decided not to post a download link till i have something good to share.
If you don't like you project is it really complete?

You may want to ask yourself what you don't like about it and improve the game till it becomes something that you take pride. Do you think it doesn't have enough varity in gameplay? Does it need more locations or more options to upgrade your character? Sometimes it can be a great learning experiance to break your game while trying to make it better. It help you understand why code design and style are important as your program grows to meet you wants.
Well if you post some of the code or let people know what you dont like about your game... I know that their are alot of people on here who could give you some advice.

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