confused about matrix and transform

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5 comments, last by eastcowboy 15 years, 11 months ago
Hello there. I'm reading some articles about matrix these days. someone says that the matrix transform looks like this: [ m, m, m, m, [x, y, z, w] X m, m, m, m, = [x', y', z', w'] m, m, m, m, m, m, m, m ] but other say that the matrix transform looks like: [x, [ m, m, m, m, [x', y, X m, m, m, m, = y', z, m, m, m, m, z', w] m, m, m, m ] w'] I've studied OpenGL for some time, and I beleave the first style is correct, but I see many people use the second style. Is there any difference? Which one should I use?
                [ m, m, m, m,[x, y, z, w] X    m, m, m, m,    = [x', y', z', w']                  m, m, m, m,                  m, m, m, m ]but other say that the matrix transform looks like:[x,      [ m, m, m, m,        [x', y,   X    m, m, m, m,     =   y', z,        m, m, m, m,         z', w]        m, m, m, m ]        w']

Of these two, the first is the technically correct form. The vector is 1x4, and the matrix is a 4x4. In the second case, you cannot multiply a 4x1 and a 4x4, but it's more convenient to write, so the transpose is implied.

However, with OpenGL, the matrix should be on the left, and the vector should be on the right.

Edit: Said matrix where it should have read vector

[Edited by - erissian on May 22, 2008 1:57:29 AM]
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Quote:Original post by eastcowboy
Hello there.

I'm reading some articles about matrix these days.
someone says that the matrix transform looks like this:
                [ m, m, m, m,[x, y, z, w] X    m, m, m, m,    = [x', y', z', w']                  m, m, m, m,                  m, m, m, m ]

but other say that the matrix transform looks like:
[x,      [ m, m, m, m,        [x', y,   X    m, m, m, m,     =   y', z,        m, m, m, m,         z', w]        m, m, m, m ]        w']

Your second example isn't correct under any circumstances; in matrix multiplication, the number of columns in the first operand must equal the number of rows in the second operand. This, however, IS correct:

[ m, m, m, m,    [x,    [x',  m, m, m, m,  X  y, =   y',  m, m, m, m,     z,     z',  m, m, m, m ]    w]     w']

The difference is merely one of notation. In the column vector case (which I've just shown), vectors are on the right hand side of the multiplication; in the row vector case (as in your first example) they're on the left. The math is identical; you merely need to transpose the matrix to change it from working with one representation to working with the other representation. OpenGL uses column vectors; this is more out of a desire to conform to prevailing mathematical usage, than because one or the other representation is "better".
Thank you for your reply.
I already know that the second style I wrote is wrong.
So just as erissian said, we treat a vector as a matrix with 4 rows and only 1 columns. Then what is the correct order of transform?

For example, I want to rotate a vector and then translate it. So I calculated two matrix M(R), M(T). The M(R) is for rotate and the M(T) is for translate. What should I do next?
1. M = M(R) X M(T)
V' = M X V
2. M = M(T) X M(R)
V' = M X V
I think the first one is correct, is that right?
I could be wrong but I think you'd need to translate to the center first then rotate
M = M(T) X M(R)
M = M X M(T) <--- translating to wherever you want
V'=M X V

I dunno :(
Quote:Original post by eastcowboy
Thank you for your reply.
I already know that the second style I wrote is wrong.
So just as erissian said, we treat a vector as a matrix with 4 rows and only 1 columns. Then what is the correct order of transform?

For example, I want to rotate a vector and then translate it. So I calculated two matrix M(R), M(T). The M(R) is for rotate and the M(T) is for translate. What should I do next?
1. M = M(R) X M(T)
V' = M X V
2. M = M(T) X M(R)
V' = M X V
I think the first one is correct, is that right?

I'm going to switch up the notation on you; T for the translation matrix, R for the rotation matrix, and x will be our vector.

If you want to rotate a vector, then you have:

If you want to translate that vector:

So you can see, the transformations that happen last will be first in the equation.
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I see it.
m X v = transpose(v) X transpose(m)
so there's little difference between two styles.

I am a little confused about 'transposed matrix' and the 'row major/column major'. In my code, I use all matrix in 'row major', and the OpenGL uses the 'column-major', this could be a problem for me. but don't worry, I can deal with it. :)

Here's some code I wrote these days.
It is used for matrix calculating.
It uses the 'row-major' to store my matrices. but in the mat4_inverse function, I use the 'col-major' for mistake, and it works well, I don't know why.
#include <math.h>void vec4_fromXYZ(vec4 v, float x, float y, float z) {    v[0] = x;    v[1] = y;    v[2] = z;    v[3] = 1.0f;}void vec4_fromXYZW(vec4 v, float x, float y, float z, float w) {    v[0] = x;    v[1] = y;    v[2] = z;    v[3] = w;}void vec4_copy(vec4 to, vec4 from) {    to[0] = from[0];    to[1] = from[1];    to[2] = from[2];    to[3] = from[3];}void mat4_identity(mat4 m) {    int i;    for(i=0; i<16; ++i)        m = 0.0f;    m[0] = m[5] = m[10] = m[15] = 1.0f;}void mat4_copy(mat4 to, mat4 from) {    int i;    for(i=0; i<16; ++i)        to = from;}void mat4_multiply(mat4 m1, mat4 m2, mat4 mResult) {    int i, j, k;    for(i=0; i<4; ++i) {        for(j=0; j<4; ++j) {            float tmp = 0.0f;            for(k=0; k<4; ++k)                tmp += m1[i*4+k] * m2[k*4+j];            mResult[i*4+j] = tmp;        }    }}void mat4_transform(mat4 m, vec4 v, vec4 result) {    int i, k;    for(i=0; i<4; ++i) {        float tmp = 0.0f;        for(k=0; k<4; ++k)            tmp += m[i*4+k] * v[k];        result = tmp;    }}void mat4_translate(mat4 m, float x, float y, float z) {    mat4 transform = {        1, 0, 0, x,        0, 1, 0, y,        0, 0, 1, z,        0, 0, 0, 1    };    mat4 tmp;    mat4_multiply(m, transform, tmp);    mat4_copy(m, tmp);}void mat4_rotateX(mat4 m, float theta) {    mat4 transform = {        1,            0,            0, 0,        0,  cosf(theta), -sinf(theta), 0,        0,  sinf(theta),  cosf(theta), 0,        0,            0,            0, 1    };    mat4 tmp;    mat4_multiply(m, transform, tmp);    mat4_copy(m, tmp);}void mat4_rotateY(mat4 m, float theta) {    mat4 transform = {         cosf(theta), 0,  sinf(theta), 0,                  0,  1,            0, 0,        -sinf(theta), 0,  cosf(theta), 0,                  0,  0,            0, 1    };    mat4 tmp;    mat4_multiply(m, transform, tmp);    mat4_copy(m, tmp);}void mat4_rotateZ(mat4 m, float theta) {    mat4 transform = {         cosf(theta), -sinf(theta), 0, 0,         sinf(theta),  cosf(theta), 0, 0,                   0,            0, 1, 0,                   0,            0, 0, 1    };    mat4 tmp;    mat4_multiply(m, transform, tmp);    mat4_copy(m, tmp);}void mat4_transpose(mat4 m, mat4 result) {    int i, j;    for(i=0; i<4; ++i)        for(j=0; j<4; ++j)            result[i*4+j] = m[j*4+i];}static float det3(float* m,                         int a1, int a2, int a3,                         int a4, int a5, int a6,                         int a7, int a8, int a9) {    return m[a1] * m[a5] * m[a9]         + m[a2] * m[a6] * m[a7]         + m[a3] * m[a4] * m[a8]         - m[a3] * m[a5] * m[a7]         - m[a2] * m[a4] * m[a9]         - m[a1] * m[a6] * m[a8];}void mat4_inverse(mat4 m, mat4 result) {    float d =        +m[ 0] * det3(m,  5,  9, 13,  6, 10, 14,  7, 11, 15)        -m[ 4] * det3(m,  1,  9, 13,  2, 10, 14,  3, 11, 15)        +m[ 8] * det3(m,  1,  5, 13,  2,  6, 14,  3,  7, 15)        -m[12] * det3(m,  1,  5,  9,  2,  6, 10,  3,  7, 11);    d = 1.0f / d;    result[ 0] =  d * det3(m,  5,  9, 13,  6, 10, 14,  7, 11, 15);    result[ 1] = -d * det3(m,  1,  9, 13,  2, 10, 14,  3, 11, 15);    result[ 2] =  d * det3(m,  1,  5, 13,  2,  6, 14,  3,  7, 15);    result[ 3] = -d * det3(m,  1,  5,  9,  2,  6, 10,  3,  7, 11);    result[ 4] = -d * det3(m,  4,  8, 12,  6, 10, 14,  7, 11, 15);    result[ 5] =  d * det3(m,  0,  8, 12,  2, 10, 14,  3, 11, 15);    result[ 6] = -d * det3(m,  0,  4, 12,  2,  6, 14,  3,  7, 15);    result[ 7] =  d * det3(m,  0,  4,  8,  2,  6, 10,  3,  7, 11);    result[ 8] =  d * det3(m,  4,  8, 12,  5,  9, 13,  7, 11, 15);    result[ 9] = -d * det3(m,  0,  8, 12,  1,  9, 13,  3, 11, 15);    result[10] =  d * det3(m,  0,  4, 12,  1,  5, 13,  3,  7, 15);    result[11] = -d * det3(m,  0,  4,  8,  1,  5,  9,  3,  7, 11);    result[12] = -d * det3(m,  4,  8, 12,  5,  9, 13,  6, 10, 14);    result[13] =  d * det3(m,  0,  8, 12,  1,  9, 13,  2, 10, 14);    result[14] = -d * det3(m,  0,  4, 12,  1,  5, 13,  2,  6, 14);    result[15] =  d * det3(m,  0,  4,  8,  1,  5,  9,  2,  6, 10);}

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