Curious to who is sticking with OpenGL now...

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125 comments, last by RobTheBloke 15 years, 9 months ago
I am curious to see who here is planning on sticking with OpenGL or moving onto DX or some other means. Would like to see who is planning on leaving the community and who is staying around. Trying to get a feel for what support is left for OpenGL as a hobbyist game coder.
Apple user... OpenGL user.
Pretty much the entire simulation industry uses OpenGL. Pretty much the entire research community uses OpenGL.
My engine uses GL, the 3.0 spec hasn't broken anything, nothing has changed so I don't have any reason to drop it...

I did have some ATI compatibility problems recently, but if you report bugs to them and send them instructions on how to reproduce the problem, then they do fix their drivers.
The OpenGL situation didn't worse, it just didn't get better when it really needs to.

There's a hole in the Good Ship OGL that's been slowly getting bigger, but can be patched up. They had the patch almost ready to go. Then they came a year late and put duct tape all over it. Now they're saying they'll have the needed patchwork ready less than 12 months from now.

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Quote:Original post by MARS_999
Trying to get a feel for what support is left for OpenGL as a hobbyist game coder.
No less support than you had a week ago. Which means a spec that has more holes through it then a sponge, and shitty drivers on the gpu market leader, I abandoned it almost 2 years ago myself, because of all the little problems I didn't want to put up with anymore, that I don't feel like typing up again.

If you're a hobbyist GAME coder, why do you bother with all that anyways? Use XNA or something else that is a bit higher level, and focus on your game content instead. I don't see why all hobbyist game coders around here aren't trying to get a games ready for XBLCG this fall.
I'm sticking with OpenGL for now.

While I suppose I'm disappointed with OpenGL 3.0, I wasn't following what was happening particularly closely. Everything's still there, and in the short term this doesn't really change anything for me.

In the long term... well, who knows. I'm hoping before too long to get a shinier computer, on which I'll install vista, and a better graphics card than I have atm. This may well be a cue to learn C# and DirectX (I've been wanting to do the former for a while).
Quote:Original post by Lazy Foo
GL is dying
Does that mean that you were using GL and have chosen to drop it?
I am staying with OpenGL. I have no choice, because I cannot allow my application to become dependent upon the evil empire. Either people forget how many times they have been shafted by macroshaft, or they haven't been developing software long enough yet to *repeatedly* find out and get angry enough to abandon THEM on principle - and out of self-preservation. I must admit, it took several times to sink into my lame brain.

In other words, I am one of those people who choose OpenGL because it runs efficiently on Linux, at least with nvidia drivers (the only ones I have tried during the past few years).

A question. Is now the time to create a new 3D graphics/rendering API for realtime applications [and leave OpenGL for CAD, if recent threads are on-point]? Is this kind of project impossible (unless you are nvidia) because no access to the low-level hardware or drivers is provided by the GPU makers?

BTW, I have seen many people complain that "games" are being sacrificed for the "CAD companies". I believe this is a very dangerous way to characterize the situation, because the concept "games" tends to trivialize the importance of an enormous variety of realtime and interactive graphics/rendering applications - all of which have virtually identical requirements as "games". I refer to presentation of simulations of physical [and fictional] processes (mechanical, chemical, atomic, optical, you-name-it), vision systems, robotic systems - every non-trivial that must be realtime or interactive. ALL of these applications will be thrown out with the bathwater if people can deem them "games" (implication "unimportant"). But this seems to be happening at first blush. Furthermore, in a few years at most, every CAD application worth a penny will provide complex interactive handling and manipulation of [whatever aspects of reality it presents]. In other words, everything will BECOME a game, at least in terms of the support it requires.
Quote:Original post by bootstrap
Either people forget how many times they have been shafted by macroshaft
Not once.

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