advancing animation in fixed time-steps & frame-rate independence

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24 comments, last by Promit 15 years, 7 months ago
Quote:Original post by abaraba1
>>"I'm not commenting on your algorithm. "

- Please... please, all i ask is that you do the opposite ..or nothing

this is very, very concrete and specific algorithm,
it is about complete replacement that solves THREE somewhat different problems that might have been affecting your game in possibly unknown ways

you simply have to REPLACE the old one with any of the two new ones and report how it works, if you will

i ask nothing more then you to put some effort into it if you want to discuss it, if you are not interested enough to do that, then please do not waste my time

experimental facts only, please!

>>"I sense you still do not understand this.."

- it is not required from you to be sensing anything, on the contrary i ask you to turn your brains on

i mean, it only takes about FIVE MINUTES to test it ..i don't understand, if you're too lazy for that, then just leave me be


i believe every criticism is constructive as long as you state your reasoning or otherwise show the logic of your conclusion, i even believe you can go as far and say that im stupid as long as you can explain it or at least try to reason your opinion with some arguments. ASSUMPTION is NOT ARGUMENT. Assumption is mother of all fukups.

You didn't read my whole post. That makes me mad (<-- this is an understatement). Go actually read my post in its entirety, instead of just the first sentence.
[size=2]Darwinbots - [size=2]Artificial life simulation


- would you agree these algorithms address and solve the mentioned problems? (YES/NO)
- whats your opinion on how it works in practice - visual appearance? (DESCRIBE)

for any other discussion not related to this, please start your own thread

thank you
>>"[EDIT] I'd suggest this thread is closed. I'll be taking no further part in it as I have serious concerns about the OP."

do i understand you correctly, i fix three bugs for you and you poke my eye and close the thread?

you want to close my thread because im telling you the TRUTH?

forget the algorithm, ok,
does everyone here understand that im talking about FREEDOM, freedom of information? i wanted nothing but to help, and in return people came one after another just to try and put me down without even thinking or looking at it. When they realised they were wrong they just stared deleting my messages. Intel Havok & nVidia PhysX still silent about the whole thing...

do you know how many times i gave up? do you realize how many times i was sent in the complete opposite direction? do you have any idea how much time it took to realize all this, implement, prepare and get it ready so it can be easily tested ... and you want to close my thread, yet again

how is this possible?

[Edited by - abaraba1 on September 23, 2008 6:57:56 AM]
Quote:Original post by abaraba1
does everyone here understand that im talking about FREEDOM, freedom of information?

Yes, I understand that. So I'm wondering why you don't grant the same freedom to EasilyConfused and WillC. They provided you with informations, and you told them to shut up. And what kind of freedom do you mean when you simultaneously copyright your information?

Quote:Original post by abaraba1
i wanted nothing but to help, and in return people came one after another just to try and put me down ...

Has jyk put you down? Has EasilyConfused put you down? No, they haven't. EasilyConfused has validly hinted at issues with your algorithm, but you can't or else don't want to understand him. Instead you rate criticism as "putting down", although you've explicitely asked for.

Quote:Original post by abaraba1
...without even thinking or looking at it.

This is an untenable assertion. I too have looked at your algorithms in an early state of this thread. It had cost me a 10 minutes to read and think about them. I've found at least a half dozen issues and had intended to answer the OP. But then I read your answer to EasilyConfused' first post. So my thinking converted from "algorithmic issues" to "ingrate person", and that has stopped me from answering. Sorry, but it was your own behaviour, nothing else.

Quote:Original post by abaraba1
do you know how many times i gave up? do you realize how many times i was sent in the complete opposite direction? do you have any idea how much time it took to realize all this, implement, prepare and get it ready so it can be easily tested

No, I haven't. But what should I do? Should I pity you? Perhaps, but your attitudes avoid this so far. Should I admire you? No, because your algorithms are not what I'm after. So, calm down, return to the intention of the thread, and accept that people have a meaning that differs from yours. If you think they are wrong then discuss or ignore, but don't put them down.

thanks for your input,
you are free to clog my thread as much as you would like me to clog your

>>"No, I haven't. But what should I do? Should I pity you? Perhaps, but your attitudes avoid this so far. Should I admire you?"

- no, you should have realized that has nothing to do with me, but with -wrong information-

>>"No, because your algorithms are not what I'm after.."

- hm, you dont care about all this stuff and yet you made all this effort to explain how you feel about all it, interesting..

since i started this thread,
i hope its not too much to ask that i actually get answer to my question, instead of everyone having some completely irrelevant questions for me? i can try to explain anything you want, but i cant argue with your guesses and assumptions, so this thread is about this:

- would you agree these algorithms address and solve the mentioned problems? (YES/NO)
- whats your opinion on how it works in practice - visual appearance? (DESCRIBE)

for any other discussion not related to this, please start your own thread, and please leave me be if this is of no interest to you

[Edited by - abaraba1 on September 23, 2008 8:38:24 AM]
abaraba1 --

You've treated the people in this thread with significant hostility and considerable disrespect. There's no evidence that you've even attempted to understand what people were saying before attacking them or their questions/ideas. And now you're whining about some freedom bullshit. This is more or less the same thing you did with the last thread you posted.

It's clear that this thread has absolutely no purpose, because a solution that you're not willing to discuss is absolutely worthless, regardless of technical merit. You complained of being banned from other public forums in the past. It's easy to see why -- it's impossible to actually communicate with you in any kind of meaningful fashion.

I'm shutting down this thread, and further behavior along these lines will result in your posting privileges being revoked, temporarily or permanently. If you cannot carry on a discussion without starting fights ahd claiming the world is out to get you, you have no place on THESE forums either.
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