Windows sevices and virtual drives

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-1 comments, last by cignox1 15 years, 6 months ago
Hi all, a coworker of mine is writing a tool that reports the drives available on the current machine. In addition, that tool should connect to a windows service on a remote machine to get the same informations. The problem is that while the tool correctly recognizes the virtual drives (i.e. a virtual disk on the server or a folder mapped as a device) the service only sees the true drives, even when running on the same pc. My opinion is that the service runs on an account wich doesn't have those mappings. We tried by running it using the same account but it doesn't work. We're using C# for both the tool and the service. Anyone here that have ideas about how to solve it? Please forgive me if this is in the wrong place (in this case, where should I post?) Thank you!

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