Weapons or not

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3 comments, last by Rixter 22 years, 10 months ago
I''m currently in the early early early design phase of creating an old school style overhead view 2d racing game. It will be my first real attempt at a graphics game, but I have already done the numberguess/tictactoe/phonebook programs and want something a little more challenging. Obviously with my experience it will be a fairly simple racing game, but should still be fun. What I was wondering though, is peoples opinion on something, should it be strictly a racing game, or should I give the cars mounted machine guns and oil slicks and other weapons? Right now I am leaning more towards the non-weapons, but was just wondering what more people found enjoyable. BTW, chances are that it won''t have any weapons due to how complicated that may make it, and nobody but people who know me will likely ever play it anyway, I was just curious. __________________________________________ We get signal. There are bombs exploding all around us!!
If you''re looking to stretch your racing game idea, my suggestion would be a more creative version. Consider something like:

What about doing crash-up derby?

You could get exposure to simple physics, collision detection and rudimentary AI, as well as game systems (damage hitpoints or whatever) and still make an easy to create and fun game in the process.

Just a thought.

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Why not start with simple racing till you get it working but design it open to expansion.

Any way I go it will start off as a simple racing game, or maybe that demolition derby idea which sounds kinda fun. I was mostly just wondering what people like better, normal racing, or racing with a twist like weapons (or magic/monsters). I will be using C++ so I should be able to keep big parts separate from each other to allow more code to be reused in many styles of vehicle games, in theory anyway . Thanks for the ideas.

We get signal.
There are bombs exploding all around us!!

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