How much of the AI can be controlled in a game developed using MODs?

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2 comments, last by MuTeD 15 years, 4 months ago
Hello everyone, Me: I am a fully capable of programer. However, I have never developed any Video Games yet. So, my experience and knowledge in Video Gaming development is NONE. And, my AI experience is also NONE. Target: I want to experiment with AI Parallelization in Video Games found in games such as Metal Gear Solid, where the AI Agent's main behaviors are behaviors such as Hunt, Attack, Flee, Guard, Patrol...etc. Therefore, I WANT to DEVELOP a fully functioning environment with fully functioning AI Agents. Details such as Weapon, complex maps...etc are unimportant. Done so far: I was naive enough to begin reading about OpenGL, in hopes of developing the program at least with minimal requirements. I am not conidered with graphics. My main concern is VERY SMART and VERY FELXIBLE AI! That is why began working building my miniture world on my own. However, what I have "Done so far" is not worth mentioning at all. What I have found: For some reason, I can't seem to remember, I searched the keywords "metal gear" in And, this link came up I could not believe my eyes that something like what I wanted do, can be done more professionally, moreover, more effeciently! PLUS, more easily!!! Therefore, I began researching MODS and this link came up which is exactly what I want to do! I want to focus on AI ONLY! In conclusion, My questions are: 1- Is it true? Can I develop a Metal Gear-ish game (Camera, cut-scenes unimportant) using a game MOD while maintaining full control, or better yet, modify the existing AI algorithms to better suit my needs? And, eventually, truly focus on AI alone. 2- If the answer to question 1 is yes, then: Since, a fair amount of time in Gaming Years have passed since those posts above have made, which is the best choice as MOD for me? Is it Half-Life 2 MOD SDK. 3- If the answer is no, then: What type of AI algorithms are best for me? And which resources and keywords can be useful for me? 3- I already have the Russell and Norvig AI book, but haven't read it yet, because I was focused on OpenGL. Is the Russel Norvig book enough for me to begin developing the AI algorithms, or refining the existing ones at least? If not, which books are recommended for such tasks as mine? Final Note(s): 1- Money is no issue when it comes to buying books or Games, for liscening and development purposes. So please be more eager to recommend something you might think is best, even if it costs a little bit more. 2- I am squeezed on time...! I need to finish the whole project within less than TWO MONTHS! I already know it is a very short period of time, so please be kind by not reminding me : ) So I am willing to do everything needed, and I am very eager to learn!!! 3- Keywords are the most critical when doing research. So, please let me know of any useful, and accurate, keywords I might need to reach my goal. 4- Any and all pieces of information are appreciated!!! Thank you in advanced!!!
Quote:Original post by zgzg2020
In conclusion,
My questions are:
1- Is it true? Can I develop a Metal Gear-ish game (Camera, cut-scenes unimportant) using a game MOD while maintaining full control, or better yet, modify the existing AI algorithms to better suit my needs? And, eventually, truly focus on AI alone.
2- If the answer to question 1 is yes, then: Since, a fair amount of time in Gaming Years have passed since those posts above have made, which is the best choice as MOD for me? Is it Half-Life 2 MOD SDK.
3- If the answer is no, then: What type of AI algorithms are best for me? And which resources and keywords can be useful for me?
3- I already have the Russell and Norvig AI book, but haven't read it yet, because I was focused on OpenGL. Is the Russel Norvig book enough for me to begin developing the AI algorithms, or refining the existing ones at least? If not, which books are recommended for such tasks as mine?

Yes it is atleast partially true, as far as AI goes there are a few games where you are given pretty much unlimited control, Quake and Quake2 for example had a few mods such as ReaperBot which essentially only added AI controlled opponents for multiplayer games (Something that wasn't included in the original games)

I havn't dug that deeply into the Source SDK tbh, but its probably not too bad.
Quake3 might be a better option though since it is opensource and includes some fairly decent AI allready (but as i've said im not that familiar with the Source engine so i don't really know how flexible or easy to work with it is).

3) As far as AI algorithms goes you probably want to start with basic pathfinding, i can't give much advice on decision making algorithms though (I've only really used simple decision tables) but im sure other members of this forum can help out there.
[size="1"]I don't suffer from insanity, I'm enjoying every minute of it.
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!
Thanks SimonForsman. You cannot imagine how encouraging this is!!
I have downloaded the SDK for HL2, because I read on their Wiki that many functions that I am looking for are already implemented there.

As for the Quake I or II, my professors weren't see eager when I spoke about them, because they are a bit outdated, at least to their perspective. And I want to follow what they think.

Thank you again very much for your quick response.
However, I can't understand why there aren't any other replies to post.
Quote:Original post by zgzg2020
Thanks SimonForsman. You cannot imagine how encouraging this is!!
I have downloaded the SDK for HL2, because I read on their Wiki that many functions that I am looking for are already implemented there.

As for the Quake I or II, my professors weren't see eager when I spoke about them, because they are a bit outdated, at least to their perspective. And I want to follow what they think.

Thank you again very much for your quick response.
However, I can't understand why there aren't any other replies to post.

How old is math? This question will always have the same answer no matter how old it is: 1 + 1 = 2.

Quake I or II aren't anything to frown at. AI is AI. Learning is learning.
If you want to take a stab in the dark at creating AI (very simplistic AI for a console based game), feel free to add AI to my game.
“You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try.”Beverly Sills

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