OpenGL 1.2

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11 comments, last by Metus 22 years, 11 months ago
What on earth has happened to OpenGL 1.2? OpenGL 1.1 has been around the world for about 6 years now...
er, the current version of opengl is 1.2.. check out the latest red book on amazon - it''s the guide for opengl 1.2
I think he''s referring to the fact that although they''ve been promising it for a while, Microsoft hasn''t released a 1.2 compatable version of their headers/libs, requiring you to dynamically link 1.2-specific functions.

At this GDC, and at the last GDC, I talked to someone at MS in a position to know their plans, and both times he told me we''d see 1.2 soon. Still waiting.

There''s always Mesa, of course...
opengl1.2 has been out at least a couple of years.
opengl1.3 will be out soon (2 months)
meanwhile theres a lot of info about obtaining ptrs to 1.2 functions on the net eg
Nvidia and other companies wants to release updated libraries but are afraid of Microsoft. They probably want to replace the opengl32.dll file with their own like they have done on linux. Extensions is available both static and through the get address mechanism. Perhaps is some small performance gain also possible.

I read somewhere about other plans to release libraries for easier use of 1.2 functions. If OpenGL 1.3 is mostly about making optional stuff like multitexturing a requirement is it good but perhaps not very important.
quote:Original post by Obelix
If OpenGL 1.3 is mostly about making optional stuff like multitexturing a requirement is it good but perhaps not very important.

Multitexturing IS a requirement in 1.2.

Actually Nvidia and Ati(maybe) provides 1.2 compliant drivers. Not everything is accelerated, but you can use everything
quote:Original post by Gorg
Multitexturing IS a requirement in 1.2.

No, I think it is an option. I guess I could find some link(s) to prove it if you really want to...
NVidia''s drivers are OpenGL version "1.2.2" last time I checked (I''m using version 10.8). Microsoft has been "testing" their software drivers for OpenGL 1.2 for years now, there''s no reason for them to finish I guess. SGI wrote some software drivers for OpenGL 1.2 in Windows a while back, but Microsoft won''t let them distribute them.

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I know that the renderer for specific GFX-Cards are out..
whar i mean is when will we, the mortals, have access to the 1.2 (or 1.3) SDK??
As far as I''ve understand the only one who''s got access to the 1.2 are the gamedevelopers and driver manufactors
Just include glext.h
and you have access to 1.2 but the functions is like extensions.

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