Why is the OpenGL board so quiet?

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9 comments, last by wcmike 22 years, 10 months ago
Now keep in mind that I''m a dumb idjit who''s never read proper books on anything in his whole life, :D but I''ve been having a tough time figuring out what exactly it is that D3D8 does that OpenGL doesn''t.

Vertex buffers are neat and all, but how are they different from display lists? And which of the two are harder to implement? (I spent all of 10 seconds reading about, understanding, and then implementing display lists in a testbox (much props for NeHe :D (nested paranths are fun)))) Locking textures? glTexSubImage.

The one thing I do see is the fact that D3D8 emulates things with software, but to my knowledge, that''s only when using the reference driver, which isn''t usually (pronounced: ever, except when testing ) the best way to go. (it''s entirely possible I''m full of it in this regard, and many others though :D )

So.. uh.. how''s D3D8 better again, if it offers pretty much the same functionality, and is arguably as simple? (I find it harder, but I''ll assume that the reverse is possible, depending on the individual using it)

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