a little problem

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1 comment, last by eleCz 15 years ago
My application always get stuck while running on some glu commands, gluSphere and gluCylinder and an error of stack over flow appears anyone knows why? the commands: GL.gluSphere(m_pQuad,0.65f,32,32); GL.gluCylinder(m_pQuad,0.22f,0.22f,0.25f,32,32); m_pQuad is a GLU quadric obj : m_pQuad = GL.gluNewQuadric(); GL.gluQuadricNormals(m_pQuad, GL.GLU_SMOOTH); GL.gluQuadricTexture(m_pQuad, (byte)GL.GL_TRUE); the GL on the beginning of each gl commands is because i'm using the C# lib if it matters thanks for the helpers in advance :)
Are you calling gluNewQuadric() in a loop? You only need to call it once during initialization IIRC. That might explain it.
Member of the NeHe team.
no it's not called in a loop i just wrote it here because i thought maybe it was a problem with the initialization of it

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