Whats the best turn based strategy game ever?

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49 comments, last by ohnam 14 years, 12 months ago
Extra points if its a old and unique one that I could feasibly recreate.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. – Leonardo da Vinci
Battle for Wesnoth

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Not sure if it qualifies, but I always liked the first Dune game, not sure which one I liked best the first or the second (first modern[smile] RTS).
I love Magic: The Gathering - I'm sure you can recreate card games somewhat based on that with your computer pretty easily (one of the benefits being there is no spatial location you have to keep track).
Jagged Alliance 2 is a favorite of mine.

But yes, Chess or Go are the win.
If you haven't played JA2 in awhile, you should check out the Bear's Pit Forum. Somehow the players got the source code and have been modding it. The latest JA2 is a very different (and better, in my opinion) game from the original.

JA2 is more of a squad tactics game than a strategy game.

For grand strategy games, you've got old 4X favorites like master of orion.

For more traditional TBS games you could look at the HOMM series, or Disciples. I also very much enjoyed Master of Magic when I was younger. Actually, its still a great, intricate game even now. I bought a strategy guide for MOM that contained a great deal of its formulas and charts for each faction and spell. The sheer number of strategies available to overcome those cheating impossible AIs was impressive.
Risk, Monopoly, Checkers, Chinese Checkers, a few more from the distant (although right next door) land of table-top gaming - a very good source to draw inspiration from.
Would XCOM count? Chess is also very good. And all Total War games are excellent turn based strategy with real-time tactics.
Valkyria Chronicles (also named Battlefield Valkyria or Valkyrie Of The Battlefield: Gallian Chronicles)

most amazing turn based game ive seen so far. somewhat simalar to jagged alliance but on a whole different level.

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